Soil System Sciences

Feels like the first time at the EGU…#2

After a couple of years of online conferences, Early Career Scientists of the EGU’s Soils System Sciences division share their experiences of this year’s General Assembly which was held in a hybrid format. This week, we hear from Marta Basso

I started doing research let’s say out of the blue, I have never been to a conference during my studies, so when I started my PhD in 2019 I was extremely enthusiastic to have the opportunity to meet researchers and discuss my work. But, as everyone knows, something didn’t go as planned and, long story short, no in-person conferences for two years!

When EGU confirmed the conference I was excited, ready to make the most of it. EGU fully met my expectations . The environment and the amount of knowledge in one space were incredible. It was a kind of epiphany for me. I was not familiar with this part of research and realized that knowledge sharing was the missing piece in my PhD “journey”.

I hope that next year more people will participate in person and that there will be more opportunities to engage with researchers from other fields.

Overall, my experience was more than positive and I highly recommend students to put aside their shyness and join the EGU community.

I hold a 75th Anniversary Research Fellowship as a Soil Scientist at Cranfield University's Soil and Agrifood Institute. I lead both fundamental and applied research, principally focusing on soil formation, and the parent materials from which soil is formed. The basis of this work takes place at the interface between soil and weathered bedrock called saprolite. This zone represents a ‘final frontier’ at the bottom of many soil profiles, and one which is likely to become more critical as soils around the world continue to erode to bedrock. However, I also study soil formation across a wide variety of environmental domains including natural ‘pristine’ ecosystems, agricultural landscapes, and urban spaces.