Soil System Sciences


Feels like the first time at the EGU…#2

After a couple of years of online conferences, Early Career Scientists of the EGU’s Soils System Sciences division share their experiences of this year’s General Assembly which was held in a hybrid format. This week, we hear from Marta Basso I started doing research let’s say out of the blue, I have never been to a conference during my studies, so when I started my PhD in 2019 I ...[Read More]

Feels like the first time at the EGU…

After a couple of years of online conferences, Early Career Scientists of the EGU’s Soils System Sciences division share their experiences of this year’s General Assembly which was held in a hybrid format. This week, we hear from Diana Vieira     So, this was it. Our first EGU after the COVID pandemic, and we missed it a lot! I was fortunate to know how the EGU was before, so ...[Read More]

Soil wind erosion is influenced by soil inherent properties

Carlos M. Asensio Grima Department of Agronomy University of Almería, Spain Soil wind erosion is influenced by soil inherent properties, different wind characteristics and surface vegetation cover. For a better understanding of this process is necessary to explain the effect and consequences of wind erosion on the ground and especially in agricultural areas of southern, eastern and ...[Read More]