Susanne Hemes (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

Pores in ‘heart-sh, by aped’ pyrite aggregate in clay, by Susanne Hemes. Click to see the original picture at Imaggeo.
The image was taken using a ‘Zeiss – Supra55’ Scanning Electron Microscope at 15,000x magnification and 10kV electron acceleration voltage, as part of my PhD work on the porosity in fine- and coarse-grained Boom Clay samples. The picture shows pores in framboidal pyrite aggregates, embedded in a fine-grained clay matrix. Boom Clay is being considered as a potential host rock material for the deep geological disposal of radioactive waste in Belgium and the Netherlands and therefore the detailed characterization of its pore space is of wider importance.
This post was originally published simultaneously in G-Soil.