Dear Seismology Division blogpost, Facebook and Twitter followers, The EGU Seismology Division has prepared an online survey to investigate how members are following our division’s activities online. The data we will acquire through this simple survey allows us to learn how we can improve our visibility and to which activities we could further focus. The results will NOT be used for any comm ...[Read More]
Paper of the month — The origin of volcano-tectonic earthquake swarms by Roman and Cashman (2006)
We are pleased to propose you a new Paper of the Month written by Dr. Derek Keir on volcano seismology. Derek’s PhD thesis was on the “Seismicity of the Ethiopian rift” and conducted at Royal Holloway University of London under the supervision of Prof. Cindy Ebinger and Prof. Graham Stuart of the University of Leeds. Towards the end his PhD studies, the Dabbahu rifting episode started (September 2 ...[Read More]
Paper of the Month – Bubbles and seismic waves
Our paper of the month is “Bubbles attenuate elastic waves at seismic frequencies: First experimental evidence” (N. Tisato et al., 2015) commented by Luca De Siena. Luca De Siena is Lecturer in Geophysics at the School of Geoscience, University of Aberdeen (UK). He received his PhD from the University of Bologna (Italy) with a scholarship from the INGV-Osservatorio Vesuviano for his work on seism ...[Read More]
Earthquakes felt by Eeyore

“It’s snowing still,” said Eeyore gloomily. “So it is.” “And freezing.” “Is it?” “Yes,” said Eeyore. “However,” he said, brightening up a little, “we haven’t had an earthquake lately.” A.A. Milne, The House at Pooh Corner (1928) The above is a quote from one of two classic Winnie-the-Pooh books by A. A. Milne. Upon ...[Read More]