

Geo-Movie Cup 2023 – vote for your favourite!

Geo-Movie Cup 2023 – vote for your favourite!

Next week, brace yourselves for the grand unveiling of the most eagerly anticipated film competition of the year by the EGU Seismology ECS team! Never mind the prestigious Oscars and Golden Globes, the Geo-Movie Cup 2023 will be on level par in terms of movie eliteness. In a world saturated with endless sequels, Disney live action remakes and colossal franchise blockbusters, there exists a sub-gen ...[Read More]

Statistical earthquake forecasting – is that possible?

Statistical earthquake forecasting – is that possible?

This blog post will take you through what can and can’t be done with statistical earthquake forecasting. We are happy to have it explained by Dr. Leila Mizrahi, who is a postdoctoral researcher at the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at ETH Zürich. Let’s get started! “My research topic is earthquake forecasting” – “Oh, really, I thought that’s not possible! So, when is the next one going to ...[Read More]

Structure-from-Motion for Seismology

Structure-from-Motion for Seismology

This blog post about drone photogrammetry for seismology research is written by Lars Gebraad, with contributions from Isamu Naets and Patrick Marty. Lars Gebraad and Patrick Marty are doing their doctorates at the Seismology and Wave Physics group and Isamu Naets did his PhD at the Geothermal Energy and Geofluids group, both at the Dept. of Earth Sciences, ETH Zürich. Like many techy outdoor young ...[Read More]

Seismology Division Events for EGU23

Seismology Division Events for EGU23

Hello fellow seismologists! Are you packing your bag and making last-minute poster- or presentation-edits? Then you know what time it is: EGU General Assembly time! For all of those who are searching their way through the jungle of possible events to go to, here is a nice overview of what is organized by Seismology! Times are CEST!   Sunday April 23rd – 2 events! 1. Pre-EGU Icebreaker e ...[Read More]