EGU Blogs


Hydrological Sciences

100 Ideas to Communicate the Value of Hydrology

100 Ideas to Communicate the Value of Hydrology

Hydrologists are a pivotal part of modern societies where the delivery of enough clean water to populations relies on their decisions to manage complex systems of resources. Flood hydrologists develop and operate computer models with the aim of meeting the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) long-term ambition that “no one is surprised by flooding”. Despite this critically important dual rol ...[Read More]


Repurposing a research tectonic modeling code as a community service: The case of DES3D

Repurposing a research tectonic modeling code as a community service: The case of DES3D

This week, Dr. Eunseo Choi, a professor at the Center for Earthquake Research and Information, the University of Memphis, talks about tectonic modelling using DES3D. *Spoiler alert* read till the end for an exciting opportunity to work on it The advent of the open-source movement and the free public software repositories such as GitHub have drastically improved the way research codes are maintaine ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards

Natural Hazards 101: Multi-hazards and multi-hazard risk

Natural Hazards 101: Multi-hazards and multi-hazard risk

With the Natural Hazards 101 series, we mean to bring our readers closer to the terminology often used in the field of natural hazards, but that may not be so familiar. In the first episode of the series, we focused on the definition of hazard and natural hazard. We moved then to the concepts of risk, disaster risk management, and the forecasting and modelling of natural hazards. In this episode, ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

Features from the Field: Sheath Folds

Features from the Field: Sheath Folds

Shear zones are areas of intense deformation that localize the movement of one block of the crust with respect to another. In previous posts, we have seen that shear zones contain some very deformed rocks called mylonites, lineations that tell us the direction of movement, and useful kinematic indicators, such as S-C fabrics, that allow geologists to understand which way the rocks moved. However, ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Women of Cryo IV: Virginia ‘Ginny’ Fiennes (1947 – 2004)

Women of Cryo IV: Virginia ‘Ginny’ Fiennes (1947 – 2004)

Women make up 50.8% of the worlds population, yet fewer than 30% of the world’s researchers are women. Of this percentage, BAME (Black Asia and Minority Ethnic) comprise around 5%, with less than 1% represented in geoscience faculty positions. The divide between women in the population and women in STEM needs to be addressed. Through a series of blog posts we hope to raise the voice of women in th ...[Read More]


The Sassy Scientist – Finished Business

The Sassy Scientist – Finished Business

Writing a paper can be challenging. While it can be satisfactory to see your science coming together in a consistent story, writing a nice paper requires you to prepare appealing figures, a bullett-proof text and, potentially, dealing with co-autors. Mirja asks: How do I finish a paper? Dear Mirja, Interesting question: over (more than a) few beers I heard colleagues and peers wondering how to sta ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Behind every robust result is a robust method: Perspectives from a hydrological case study

Behind every robust result is a robust method: Perspectives from a hydrological case study

Scientific studies and mathematical models are increasingly used to guide the management and development of society. But while science and modelling can indeed provide a robust basis for decision making, we must be mindful of two related considerations. First, science is based not on trust but on skepticism, meticulous technique and careful verification. Second, science is not made of absolute tru ...[Read More]


Simulating materials in the Earth’s interior using atoms

Simulating materials in the Earth’s interior using atoms

This week UCLA PhD student Leslie Insixiengmay takes us on a microscopic journey to the Earth’s interior and tells us all about the atomic forces that shape the deep Earth behaviour!  A question I get asked a lot is: “How do we know what’s inside of the Earth?” It’s a good and valid question considering that the deepest hole humans have dug only reaches about 12.2 km, which is about 0.2% of ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

GeoMod 2021 in Utrecht: connecting on-site and online

GeoMod 2021 in Utrecht: connecting on-site and online

After a year and a half in which all of us have had to become accustomed to meeting our colleagues and collaborators only in digital space, it was finally time for an in-person conference again. From 19-23 of September 2021, the ninth edition of GeoMod took place in a conference center outside sunny Utrecht (the Netherlands). The organizing committee, led by Ernst Willingshofer, Ylona van Dinther, ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

EGU GMPV ECS Campfires – Special Edition on Subduction Zones! Wednesday 13th October 11am CEST

EGU GMPV ECS Campfires – Special Edition on Subduction Zones! Wednesday 13th October 11am CEST

The 13th edition of the Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology and Volcanology division’s early career scientists Campfires will be a special edition on Subduction Zones! The talks will be held on Wednesday 13th October at 11am CEST on Zoom. Our three ECS speakers are: 1. Lorraine Tual (Twitter: @_garnetite_) Post-Doc @ the University of British Columbia, Canada Title: Lu-Hf dating of laser-milled ga ...[Read More]