EGU Blogs


Soil System Sciences

Monday paper: Thermal shock and splash effects on burned gypseous soils from the Ebro Basin (NE Spain)

León J, Seeger M, Badía D, Peters P, Echevarría T: Thermal shock and splash effects on burned gypseous soils from the Ebro Basin (NE Spain). Solid Earth, 5, 131-140. DOI: 10.5194/se-5-131-2014. Abstract Fire is a natural factor of landscape evolution in Mediterranean ecosystems. The middle Ebro Valley has extreme aridity, which results in a low plant cover and high soil erodibility, especially on ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Four years in Tibet – Eva Huintjes

Four years in Tibet – Eva Huintjes

The Tibetan Plateau – area: 2.5 million km2, mean elevation: 4,700 m a.s.l., surrounded by a series of high mountain ranges that are home to some of the world’s highest peaks: Himalayas, Karakoram, Pamir, Kunlun Shan. Considering these characteristics and the unique cultural heritage of Tibet the decision was easy when I was asked if I am interested working in a project on the regional patterns of ...[Read More]

Soil System Sciences

Connectivity: an emerging issue

Antonio Jordán (University of Seville, Spain) Paulo Pereira (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania) Saskia Keesstra (Wageningen University, The Netherlands) Artemi Cerdà (University of Valencia, Spain)   What is connectivity? Over the recent decades, a growing number of studies have highlighted the role of hydrological and sediment connectivity processes in relation to watershed management, t ...[Read More]


Georisks in the Mediterranean and their mitigation

An international scientific conference about Georisks in the Mediterranean and their mitigation is going to be held in Malta between the 20th and 21st July, 2015.  This Scientific Conference is organised by the University of Malta, as part of the SIMIT project: Integrated Civil Pro­tection System for the Italo-Maltese Cross-Border Area. The meeting will bring together experts and researchers in va ...[Read More]

Climate: Past, Present & Future

A Climate Modeling Workshop in the South of France!

Climate and its effects on the past, present and future of the human race is a heated, topic of debate these days. There are many competing interests at stake from governments and politicians to the big oil and energy companies of the world to the scientists trying to work on climate change problems to the people of the world most acutely affected by these changes on the Earth we live. Thus, I thi ...[Read More]


9th international Young Geomorphologists’ Workshop

9th international Young Geomorphologists’ Workshop

We’re happy to announce the 9th international young geomorphologists’ workshop, organized by the “Junge Geomorphologen” from Germany. The workshop will take place on 08.-10. May 2015 in Heimbach-Hergarten, near Aachen, Germany (see flyer). The meeting will provide an ideal opportunity to present your current work, to discuss problems and receive constructive feedback! We wa ...[Read More]

Atmospheric Sciences

Welcome to the AS division blog

Welcome to the AS division blog

  The Atmospheric Sciences Division of the EGU is launching its new blog. This blog hopes to address a number of topics, as well as the major challenges, related to the atmospheric sciences. In this introductory post, I would like to present some of the topics we will address here and also some hurdles the scientific community is trying to overcome. First, let’s agree on some definition ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

The bi-polar behaviour of surge-type glaciers – Heidi Sevestre

The bi-polar behaviour of surge-type glaciers – Heidi Sevestre

Surge-type glaciers are the bi-polar member of the family of glacier dynamics. Every now and then they go into a complete fury and nobody really understands why. What are surge-type glaciers? Surge-type glaciers typically go through what we call the “surge cycle”. It is divided into two phases; a long quiescent phase during which the glacier is more or less dormant, followed by much shorter phase ...[Read More]


Contributors wanted

We are looking for individuals interested in helping with the running of this blog dedicated to the Seismology Division (SM) within EGU. Single contributions are also welcome. The aim of this blog is to share latest news, ideas, promote upcoming events/conferences, and other information that is relevant to the seismological community. The blog is run in conjunction with a dedicated Facebook Page f ...[Read More]


Should we, as session conveners, have an expiry date?

Should we, as session conveners, have an expiry date?

This is a guest post written by Jürgen Kusche, who has convened numerous sessions on various international conferences, and had the wonderful idea to use the geodesy division blog to initiate an open discussion on the topic session convening. For that reason, readers are encouraged to comment at the end of this post. Currently, Jürgen Kusche is professor at the Chair of Astronomical, Mathematical ...[Read More]