EGU Blogs


Atmospheric Sciences

Community Effort to explore the Papers that shaped Tropospheric Chemistry

Community Effort to explore the Papers that shaped Tropospheric Chemistry

The genesis of the idea to explore the influence of certain papers on shaping the field of tropospheric chemistry came when editing a textbook chapter I had written a decade earlier. As I edited it I thought, what really is new; text-book worthy over the last 10 years? In some senses what is text-book worthy at all? These type of questions inspired me to think about where atmospheric chemistry has ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

TS Must-Read – Brace and Kohlstedt (1980) Limits on Lithospheric Stress Imposed by Laboratory Experiments

TS Must-Read – Brace and Kohlstedt (1980) Limits on Lithospheric Stress Imposed by Laboratory Experiments

In 1980 Brace and Kohlstedt published a short paper that constrains the strength of continental lithosphere by extrapolating laboratory measurements of rock strength to geological conditions. Their approach follows earlier work by Goetze and Evans (1979) and relies on two key considerations. First, the brittle strength is given by the frictional strength of rocks following Byerlee’s law (Bye ...[Read More]

Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences

NP Campfire: “Perspectives on Climate Science: from historical developments to research frontiers”

NP Campfire: “Perspectives on Climate Science: from historical developments to research frontiers”

Recently, the European Geosciences Union (EGU) started to support a new type of event called ‘Campfires’ that will give the Divisions the freedom to run online interactive events in a way that suits their needs. This allows the EGU Divisions to encourage interactions in their research communities through virtual informal meetings. In this framework, and thanks to a group of young and established s ...[Read More]

Soil System Sciences

The importance of our SSS (…Soil Support Staff!) #3

The importance of our SSS (…Soil Support Staff!) #3

Happy New Year! It’s January, and time for us to continue our monthly series of blog posts dedicated to highlighting the great work carried out by technicians, laboratory assistants, and research support staff in soil science.  This month, we sat down (virtually, of course) with Jonathan J. Gottlieb (J.J.), the Head of the Laboratory for the Conservation of Waterlogged, Organic, Archaeological mat ...[Read More]


The Sassy Scientist – The Twelve Steps (of Academia)

The Sassy Scientist – The Twelve Steps (of Academia)

Furious yet disillusioned by a bunch of anonymous reviewers, of which most have provided zero insight through their nugatory reviews and displaying unambiguous bias towards a non-inflammatory, well-worded and a scientifically substantiated manuscript, Txabi demands to know: Why are many reviewers still insisting on anonymity? Dear Txabi, There is indeed such a segment of the academic community, wh ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

#OnTheRocks – Because Earth is just beautiful!

#OnTheRocks – Because Earth is just beautiful!

From the time the first Kodak camera in 1888 went on sale we can say with confidence a geologist somewhere was trying to capture field photographs. We love to capture the beauty of the field and every geologist has a story to tell. The EGU would like to connect these stories globally in our new #OnTheRocks series. #OnTheRocks will produce a compilation of geological photographs on different scales ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Image of the Week – Icebergs increase heat flux to glacier

Image of the Week – Icebergs increase heat flux to glacier

Icebergs are ubiquitous in Greenland’s fjords, melting and releasing freshwater as they float towards the open ocean. The amount of freshwater released from these icebergs can be vast – the equivalent of around 50,000 Olympic swimming pools per day in some fjords. New research reveals that this freshwater causes fjord currents to speed-up, which can actually increase the amount of heat delivered t ...[Read More]


2021: 100th year of the craton concept and beyond

2021: 100th year of the craton concept and beyond

One hundred years back, Leopold Kober first introduced the term “Kratogen”. With time, the concept of kratogen has evolved, and they are now known as cratons. In this week’s news and views, Jyotirmoy (@GeophyJo), a PhD student from the Indian Institute of Science revisits the history of craton science: how the craton concept has evolved and what are the modern problems related to them.   &nbs ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

The Covid-19 pandemic cannot stop young change makers

The Covid-19 pandemic cannot stop young change makers

The Coronavirus pandemic demands creativity and flexibility from all of us when we cannot meet in person any longer and need to switch to online meetings and events. Just recently, 120 upper secondary school students (15-18 years old) of four different countries around the Baltic Sea — Finland (incl. Åland), Sweden, Latvia, and Estonia — attended an online Boot Camp to kick start one of the greate ...[Read More]


vEGU21 BG4 Session highlights: Marine environments – past, present and future

vEGU21 BG4 Session highlights: Marine environments – past, present and future

The vEGU21 abstract submission deadline is tomorrow, here are a few more session highlights for you to consider submitting abstract to: BG4 – Marine and Aquatic Biogeosciences from paleo-environments to modern settings. With a focus on marine carbonate (bio)minerals as archives of environmental change, (Paleo-)environmental reconstructions from biomineralized carbonates: From the Precambrian to th ...[Read More]