Ready for another day of science? Make sure you’ve filled up on snacks and sugar, because a new exciting day of volcanoes, geochemistry, petrography, and mineralogy awaits you.
Get a full load of energy because the morning starts explosively (09:00-10:30 – CEST) with Magma ascent, degassing and eruptive dynamics, in GMPV9.6. (link)
Where you can understand more about eruptive processes walking through low to high temperature laboratory experiments, natural samples analysis, and numerical modelling.
In the meanwhile, another session co-organized by GMPV will take place, between 9:00 and 10:30 – CEST as well, the session NH2.1 – A multidisciplinary perspective on past to present volcanism and volcanic hazards (link)!
Be careful, because if you came here to have a calmer morning… this session doesn’t look any less explosive than the previous one! Indeed, in this session you can learn more about volcanic hazards and risk, traveling safely from your chair from the historical to the present volcanism around the globe, with a big focus on the Aegean Sea volcanism.
Take some time for a coffee and be sure to have your geological lens with you, because from the second half of the morning (11:00-12:30 – CEST) everything turns a little bit smaller in the GMPV1.1 session: Advances in nano- to micro-analytical tools to understand Earth processes (link)
Here you can explore the geological materials properties down to the nanoscale. This session is divided in two main parts:
- Firstly, you are welcome to deepen your knowledge of the relationship between nanoscale observations (such as crystal defects and trace elements heterogeneities) and geological processes.
- Afterwards, you can discover the most recent advances in Raman spectroscopy.
Alternatively, at the same time (11:45-12:30 – CEST) a session co-organized by GMPV and TS will take place! Session GD6.4 : Permo-Triassic geodynamics at the Gondwana-Laurasia boundary: interplay between magmatism and tectonics. (link)
Here you can take a mesmerizing journey in the deep past, far from the pandemic, between the late Paleozoic and the early Mesozoic. In this relaxing framework you can explore the magmatism, the geochemistry, and the tectonics of a planet completely different to the one you can see out your window now… I am pretty sure that at the end of this session you will have a completely new geodynamic picture of the Permo-Triassic world!!!
Before lunch, don’t forget to join the networking event: Gathertown – Open Social (link) this event will take place twice every day between 12:00 and 13:00 and between 20:00 – 21:00 (with the exception of Friday, where it will take place only in the morning), giving you the unique possibility to meet other attendees, mingle with colleagues and explore the virtual meeting! I suggest bringing also a coffee or beer with you!!
Lunch time, you must be hungry!!
At 13:30 CEST of the 28th of April 2021, you just finish your delicious meal, and you are probably starting to think… Which methods and techniques are used in volcano monitoring and imaging? How can we build a model able to increase our understanding of the volcanic processes? Let’s find out the major technological advances in these fields at the session GMPV9.1, Multi-disciplinary volcano monitoring and imaging with networks, from 13:30 to 17:00 (link)
Other two session co-organized by GMPV and one interdisciplinary GMPV session will take place in the afternoon!
From 13:30 to 15:30 (CEST) you can enjoy a very stimulating discussion on rock deformation processes, and on why is so important to date the deformation. So let’s go to explore the methods used for the deformation dating in the session TS10.1 Isotopic dating of deformation (link).
From 15:30 and 17:00 (CEST) you can jump in the volcanic plumes (relax, I don’t mean literally to jump into hot ashes and gasses) and being more aware of the impact that gases, particles, and ashes released from volcanoes have on the environment and on the health. How can you jump in this world? Easy! Just attend the interdisciplinary session ITS3.6/GMPV2 Volcanic Plumes: Insights into Volcanic Emissions and their Impacts on the Environment and Health (link)
Always from 15:30 to 17:00 (CEST) you can decide to be carried in the earth mantle, with the session GD4.1 Subduction dynamics, volatiles and melts: Investigations from surface to deep mantle (link)
Here you can do a 360° tour of the subduction zones, from the modelling to the geochemistry, and all of it in your office or house comfort!
Another science day is approaching sadly the end, now, all that’s left to do is to relax, eat some fine food, wear your best outfit, take with you an alcoholic or soft drink and…
Join the networking event Gathertown – Open Social from 20:00 to 21:00 (CEST), just clicking on this link!
Here you can interact with your colleagues and have some fun!
Enjoy the meeting!!