EGU Blogs



High-resolution biogeochemistry: Taking snapshots of past climate using mollusk shells

High-resolution biogeochemistry: Taking snapshots of past climate using mollusk shells

This is a solicited blogpost written by Niels de Winter. Now that the effects of rising anthropogenic CO2 emissions are starting to affect our everyday lives, accurate reconstructions of past climates become more and more relevant. These reconstructions help us to improve climate models used to project future global warming scenarios which in turn inform policy makers. The further we look back in ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Hydrological modelling and pizza making: why doesn’t mine look like the one in the picture?

Hydrological modelling and pizza making: why doesn’t mine look like the one in the picture?

Is this a question that you have asked yourself after following a recipe, for instance, to make pizza? You have used the same ingredients and followed all the steps and still the result doesn’t look like the one in the picture… Don’t worry: you are not alone! This is a common issue, and not only in cooking, but also in hydrological sciences, and in particular in hydrological modelling. Most hydrol ...[Read More]


Seriously, science?

Seriously, science?

This week, Cédric Thieulot, Assistant Professor at The Department of Earth Science, in Utrecht, shows that there is no place for humor in peer reviewed scientific publications. Science is serious. It’s about experiments, theory, analysis, and for most of this readership maths, physics, chemistry, biology, geology and so much more. It’s serious business, with funding, promotion, titles, grants and ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

#vEGU21 Session in the Spotlight: Island arc volcanism along the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary

#vEGU21 Session in the Spotlight: Island arc volcanism along the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! ☃ Which only means that the EGU abstract submission deadline is fast approaching. With 6 weeks left to go, have you decided which session to submit your abstract to? Today we put a spotlight on session NH2.1 (Co-organized by GM9/GMPV11). Are you passionate about reconstructing volcanic histories?✅ Does your research focus on processes at Island Ar ...[Read More]

Natural Hazards

A look into the life of a volcanologist in Japan, one of the most hazardous countries for volcanoes

A look into the life of a volcanologist in Japan, one of the most hazardous countries for volcanoes

In this interview, I talk with Chris Conway about his experience as a volcanologist in Japan, which is one of the countries with the highest volcanic threat in the world. You will read how studying crystals found within erupted lava flows can help hazard mitigation at active volcanoes and how volcanic hazard is managed in Japan.   Hi Chris!! Thank you for accepting this interview, first and foremo ...[Read More]

Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences

NPG Paper of the Month: “Applications of matrix factorization methods to climate data”

NPG Paper of the Month: “Applications of matrix factorization methods to climate data”

The September 2020 NPG Paper of the Month award goes to Dylan Harries and Terence J. O’Kane for their paper “Applications of matrix factorization methods to climate data” ( Dylan is a postdoctoral fellow within the Oceans and Atmosphere business unit of CSIRO (Australia). His current research focuses on methods for learning reduced-order models from d ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

TS Must-Read – Dewey and Bird (1970) Mountain belts and the new global tectonics

TS Must-Read – Dewey and Bird (1970) Mountain belts and the new global tectonics

Long after the first attempts made by Wegener (1915)⁠, the theory of plate tectonics was progressively accepted by the Earth sciences community in the thrilling ‘60s thanks to observations from mid-ocean ridges (see TS-must-read blogpost of September 2, 2020; Dietz, 1961; Heezen and Tharp, 1965, Hess, 1962; Vine and Matthews, 1963)⁠. The question is then, what goes on at convergent boundaries, whe ...[Read More]

Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology

#vEGU21 Session in the Spotlight: GMPV2.1

#vEGU21 Session in the Spotlight: GMPV2.1

The vEGU21 abstract deadline is approaching as fast as anything happens in 2020 (which is either really fast or really slow, depending on who you are…). Have you chosen a session to submit to? Whatever else happens, we promise this will be the cheapest trip to Vienna you will take all year! Whether you aren’t stressed at all (like a passive margin), or super stressed (like a collision ...[Read More]


Seismology Job Portal

Seismology Job Portal

On this page, we regularly update open positions in Seismology for early career scientists. Do you have a job on offer? Contact us at Please, note that other available research positions are displayed on the EGU Jobs Portal. Special Thanks to Eric Löberich for researching job postings for the ECS.

Cryospheric Sciences

Hysteresis For Dummies – Why history matters

Hysteresis For Dummies – Why history matters

Perhaps you have stumbled upon the word ‘hysteresis’ before, for example in connection with the stability behavior of our Earth’s large ice sheets and their long-term effect on global sea-level rise, or the long-term stability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or even in another context outside earth/climate science. Or you might have come across this term during your studies, bu ...[Read More]