After two (long) years of remote work and virtual conferencing, we are looking forward to engaging with fellow scientists in-person at the upcoming EGU22 General Assembly! But, with Covid-19 still in the air, this year’s conference will be held as a hybrid format. In this way, EGU22 will be modified to comply with Austrian pandemic restrictions, as well as introduce new elements to the programme to engage with those attending remotely.
Hybrid… tell me more
Gone are the days of long presentations–there will be no poster and PICOs this year, and all* sessions will now be comprised of “short oral” presentations of 5-7 minutes each in length, including 1-2 minutes for Q&A and transitions. Each session will be a mix of in-person and virtual presentations in random order, and session conveners will be able to liaise with those presenting online. All scientific sessions will be run as a hybrid event, but other session types, such as Short Courses and Town Halls, may not have a virtual option. Also, there may be a quota set for conference rooms–please do not be disappointed if you are turned away from a popular session!
* excluding invited talks and Union symposia
EGU and Covid-19
Although EGU is held in-person this year, there will be some rules and regulations enforced while on-site. Most importantly, you will need to bring official proof of vaccination or recovery with you to enter EGU22. Additionally, FFP2 masks must be worn, and on-site designated routing and social distancing will be enforced. As a result, some events will be held online, as well as outside the conference venue in other areas of Vienna.
We encourage those attending EGU22 to be familiar with the details of Covid-19 restrictions and regulations. There is a whole blog post to help you get familiarised with the regulations!

Even though EGU will still have a lot of attendees–there are over 7000 registered–expect all of these faces to have a mask on while in the conference centre! Photo credit: T.J. Young
It’s my first EGU!
It’s been years since most of us have attended any sort of in-person conference, and for some, it will be their first ever conference! Therefore, going from socially-distanced meet-ups to a huge conference hall with 7000+ participants may feel rather overwhelming. Additionally, it will be the first time that many PhD students, who started their studies right before or during the Covid-19 pandemic, will be interacting with other scientists outside their research group. Leininger et al. (2021)’s Ten simple rules for attending your first conference is a good primer for the uninitiated. Otherwise: enjoy the conference, and relax–everyone, even the most experienced scientist, can recall their first conference as a neophyte scientist!
Ultimately, we want to emphasise that you should feel welcomed and safe at EGU. There are a number of EDI-(Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) themed sessions and presentations, both to help ensure an inclusive experience as well as to encourage open discussion of ways to improve the field of geosciences. If you identify as LGBTQ+ or are a supporter, the EGUPride group has collated several ways to get involved both during and after the conference.
EGU is comprised of SO many courses and sessions–please be sure to check out the full programme. For first-timers, please make sure to attend the First-time attendee and mentee meet-up (Mon, 23 May, 12:00–13:00). Also, we’ve collated a list of sessions that may be useful:
- Mon, 23 May, 10:20–11:50: SC1.1 – How to navigate the EGU: tips and tricks
- Mon, 23 May, 13:20–14:50: SC3.6 – Scared of giving presentations?
- Mon, 23 May, 15:10–16:40: SC2.6 – How to build and grow your scientific network
- Tue, 24 May, 08:30–10:00: SC2.3 – How to find funding
- Tue, 24 May, 17:00–18:30: SC3.10 – Meet the EGU Journal Editors
- Tue, 24 May, 19:00–20:30: NET3 – ECS networking reception (onsite only)
Lastly, you may be wondering how exactly do you get to EGU’s conference venue, which is the Austria Centre Vienna. The nearest metro stop is “Kaisermühlen/Vienna Int. Centre” on the U1 (red) Line–here is a handy metro map! When you leave the station there will be plenty of signs to the conference – if in doubt follow the large group of Geoscientists (they can usually be recognised by their practical footwear and waterproof jackets 😉). The registration fee to the General Assembly includes a public transportation ticket, which is valid Monday–Friday of the week of the conference.
Where my cryoscientists at tho?
We all know that the primary reason to attend EGU in-person is to absorb plenty of science (at the very least, this is what you have told your funding source). But: networking and socialising is also a key aspect of conferences!
It can be very daunting to know where and how to meet people at such a large meeting. This year, the EGU Cryosphere Team is organising a mid-week division-wide social gathering–this is the one event you want to attend! Additionally, our blog team are hosting an informal BYOL (bring-your-own-lunch) picnic for those keen to be involved with the EGU Cryoblog!
Otherwise, make sure to keep an eye out for pop-up events, which are usually social in nature and a great way to meet and network with like-minded scientists!
Division-wide social event
When and Where: 19:00 – 22:30 Wed 25 May, Wieden Bräu
Nearest metro station: Taubstummengasse (Line U1)
Finally, our infamous Cryo meet-up sessions return, this year at Wieden Bräu, a pub-turned-taproom near the city centre and an easy train ride from the conference centre. Food and drink are both available for order, though we encourage attendees to eat prior to arriving to not overwhelm the kitchen staff! This event is open for everyone within the CR Division regardless of age or career stage.
EGU Cryosphere Blog Lunch
When and Where: 12:15 – 13:15 Thu 26 May, Donaupark
Are you interested in writing or being an editor for the EGU Cryosphere blog (the “Cryoblog”)? Whether you are simply interested or already involved, please come along with your lunch to meet Chief Editors Marie, Giovanni, and the rest of the Cryoblog team! We will meet at 12:15 at the Main Entrance of the Vienna Conference Centre to then head to the park. We will post our final location on our Twitter (@EGU_CR) for latecomers. Please bring your lunch with you!
And lastly, some top tips from your ECR Cryo-Rep…
Even though there is so much going on during EGU22, I’d like to (re-)emphasise that it is OK to not attend every session that you think is relevant to your research. Every time you feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath, and consider whether you think you would rather benefit from a quick break over listening to a series of talks. The gardens surrounding the Convention Centre are spectacular to eat a packed lunch, or simply to have a mid-day stroll. And, this is your chance to meet fellow academics and bond over common interests, which need not be related to your research! I hope you make some meaningful connections during EGU22, and make sure to follow up with them once the conference is over!
Even though I will be attending EGU22 virtually this year, please do not hesitate to introduce yourself to our Division President Carleen Reijmer, or any of the other ECR members of our CR team!
From previous assemblies
Edited by Lina Madaj and Giovanni Baccolo
Tun Jan (TJ) Young is a postdoctoral researcher at the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge. He specialises in the application of innovative field-based geophysical techniques, such as radar, seismics, and drilling, to investigate the dynamics of glaciers and large ice sheets in response to past and present climate change. TJ is originally from Taipei, Taiwan, and tweets as @tjy511.