Desert Varnish, Antarctica Style. Credit: Martha Cary Eppes (distributed via imaggeo.egu.eu)
If you had to describe Antarctica with one colour, red is probably the last one you would pick. However, some parts of the so-called white continent can be surprising in their colours.
Today’s Image of the Week shows us that some parts of Antarctica — Beacon Valley in this case – can be strikingly similar to landscapes in hot deserts….
… speaking of deserts, did you know that:
- Antarctica is actually the largest and driest desert on Earth?! Indeed, the word “desert” defines areas that receive very little precipitation (less than 250 mm per year to be precise). With 166 mm per year on average (and less than 50 mm in the interior!), Antarctica definitely fulfils this condition.
- Beacon valley (that you see on this Image of the Week) is considered to be one of the best terrestrial analogues for the current conditions on Mars?!
Edited by Sophie Berger
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