Climate: Past, Present & Future

Climate: Past, Present & Future

Lessons learnt from women in climate science campfire event

Lessons learnt from women in climate science campfire event

‘Women in Climate Science Campfire’ event On November 7th, 2022, the EGU Climate Division outreach team hosted a campfire event, a series of online presentations on ‘women in climate science,’ where we covered subjects from the current state of knowledge on women being affected by climate change to many of the challenges female scientists faced (or faces) in the current societal landscape. Followi ...[Read More]

Was Antarctica glaciated during the Mesozoic?

Was Antarctica glaciated during the Mesozoic?

The climate of Earth’s most southerly landmass (i.e., Antarctica) has varied considerably throughout geological time. The Cretaceous (145-66 million years ago – mya) is widely considered to have been a greenhouse Earth with warmer (or at least warmish) temperatures, globally. Although, there is no direct evidence for pre-Eocene ice sheets in Antarctica, some geological and geochemical proxie ...[Read More]

A glimpse into the INTIMATE’s summer school of 2022

A glimpse into the INTIMATE’s summer school of 2022

The Earth’s climate has been rapidly changing in the last decades. That’s a fact! Virtually, every one of us has been experiencing those changes in person, but how do we know that Earth’s climate has changed in the past beyond the instrumental data of the last ~200 years? From ancient manuscripts to geologic records, there are many “archives” one might consider “reading” to infer or reconstruct pa ...[Read More]

Communicating climate change

Communicating climate change

Both the uncertainty inherent in scientific data, and the background and ethics of the communicators who report such data to any given audience, can sow doubt about the science of climate change. The perception of this duality is engrained in how the human mind works, whereby we tolerate lies but are always ready to condemn hypocrisy. We illustrate this through a personal experience that is connec ...[Read More]