EGU Blogs



Imaggeo On Monday: The desert of the cauliflowers

Imaggeo On Monday: The desert of the cauliflowers

Bouâmama Cauliflowers (Fredolia aretioides) in the stony plateaus of the Eastern High Atlas near Ayt Wazag (Morocco). The compact, cushion-like habit, the tiny coriaceous leaves and the deep-reaching roots of this shrub allow it to thrive under arid climatic conditions. Photo by Luca Barale, as described on   Imaggeo is the EGU’s online open access geosciences image repository ...[Read More]


The ancient art and science of mining: a look back at the 1500s

The ancient art and science of mining: a look back at the 1500s

Sean Daly is a (now retired) Canadian mining geologist with 40+ years of experience, who has dedicated his career to understanding the close relationship between mining, geology and society. His recent book “From the Erzgebirge to Potosi: ​A History of Geology and Mining Since the 1500’s” traces the history of mining and geology from the 1500’s including the Renaissance, the Industrial ...[Read More]


GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during June!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during June!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we will be putting the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For June, the Divisions we are featuring are: Ocean Sciences (OS) and Biogeosciences (BG). They are served by the journals: Biogeosciences (BG), Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) and Ocean Science (OS). ...[Read More]


Open Science in the real world today: takeaways from the EGU22 Great Debate

Open Science in the real world today: takeaways from the EGU22 Great Debate

On Wednesday 25 May, as part of the 2022 General Assembly of the European Geoscience Union, we held a “Great Debate on Open Science” that was attended by over 100 EGU participants both on-site in Vienna and online. The debate was organised by Francesca Pianosi and Jamie Farquharson with support from Remko Nijzink, Riccardo Rigon and Stan Schymanski, who also co-chaired a technical session on Open ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: King penguin (Beagle Channel)

Imaggeo On Monday: King penguin (Beagle Channel)

King penguin in the Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego. Photo by Tatjana Milojevic, shared on   Imaggeo is the EGU’s online open access geosciences image repository. All geoscientists (and others) can submit their photographs and videos to this repository and, since it is open access, these images can be used for free by scientists for their presentations or publications, by edu ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: meet Céline Heuzé, award-winning Early Career Ocean Scientist!

GeoTalk: meet Céline Heuzé, award-winning Early Career Ocean Scientist!

Hi Céline. Thank you for joining us today. Congratulations on winning the 2022 Ocean Sciences Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award! Could you tell our readers a bit about yourself and your research? As of just a few months ago, I am tenured! My exact job title is “Senior Lecturer in climatology” at the University of Gothenburg, in southwest Sweden. Originally I am from France, and I a ...[Read More]


EGU22: A scientific conference through the eyes of artist Jakub Stepanovic

EGU22: A scientific conference through the eyes of artist Jakub Stepanovic

I am not a scientist by profession, but some years ago, I started seeing the far-reaching impact of geosciences as I navigated some of the Earth’s fascinating locations. From wild, remote areas to urban jungles, I learned to appreciate the sciences that make sense of places, and this concept started to inspire my artistic practice. While I enjoyed my time doing illustrations to depict a few ...[Read More]


The human side to research brought to life by scientific artist Kelly Stanford

The human side to research brought to life by scientific artist Kelly Stanford

Scientific artist Kelly Stanford has sure come a long way since we last spoke to her in 2019. The Manchester, UK-based science communicator is a Physical Geography PhD candidate from the University of Hull’s Energy and Environment Institute and winner of EGU’s Artist (not) in Residence in 2021. This year, at the Union’s General Assembly EGU22, Kelly continued her series of “Sci-portraits” (portrai ...[Read More]


Imaggeo On Monday: Stormy waves in Ireland

Imaggeo On Monday: Stormy waves in Ireland

Waves captured during a storm in Portrush, Northern Ireland. Photo by Melanie Biausque, shared on Editors note: please ensure to put your own safety first before attempting to photograph storm waves.   Imaggeo is the EGU’s online open access geosciences image repository. All geoscientists (and others) can submit their photographs and videos to this repository and, since it is ...[Read More]


GeoPolicy: All about the European Parliament Intergroup on ‘Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development’

GeoPolicy: All about the European Parliament Intergroup on ‘Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development’

This month’s GeoPolicy blog features an interview with Ilias Grampas, Manager of the European Parliament Intergroup (EP) on ‘Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development’ and Deputy Director of the European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD). Ilias was kind enough to answer some of my burning questions about the role of the EP Intergroup in connecting Members of the Europea ...[Read More]