EGU Blogs

4941 search results for "6"


What is Distributed Acoustic Sensing?

What is Distributed Acoustic Sensing?

In this blog we give a succinct introduction to Distributed Acoustic Sensing for the starting seismologist, or the interested reader. The blog is by no means a complete overview and serves as a starting point for you to understand DAS and get started with the data. It was written by SM ECS members Ana Nap and Katinka Tuinstra.   By now, Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) is a pretty widely kn ...[Read More]

Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology

Offshore Gaza: gas in deep-water sedimentary reservoir rocks as another element in the conflict

The conflict between the Israeli state and the Palestinian people revolves not only around the control of land but also extends to the ocean, particularly the sedimentary rocks beneath the seafloor (see oil and natural gas fields in the region in Figure 1). This article aims to analyse the geological aspect, specifically sedimentary rocks with hydrocarbon reservoir potential offshore the Gaza Stri ...[Read More]


Mind Your Head: How to have a mindful December and holiday season

Mind Your Head: How to have a mindful December and holiday season

It’s December and the Life-Work-Balance group is recalling the “Mind Your Head” blog posts, a blogpost series which started in May 2018. We invite you to join our journey through 11 inspiring blog posts and five simple activities to foster our life-work-balance, revive knowledge and find new inspiration during this holiday season. A word at the beginning: perhaps your current life and daily routin ...[Read More]


State of the ECS: wrapping up 2023!

State of the ECS: wrapping up 2023!

We are glad to open our seismology advent calendar with this blog! Welcome to the State of the ECS, where our ECS members reflect on the year.   Hello! Katinka here, writing from a snowy Zürich. Days are shorter, many layers of clothes are needed, and the last scientific effort before Christmas is being pushed for, because 2023 is ending! We as ECS have had a wonderful year, and I’m so ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

TS Must-Read – Bond et al. (2007) What do you think this is? “Conceptual uncertainty” in geoscience interpretation

TS Must-Read – Bond et al. (2007) What do you think this is? “Conceptual uncertainty” in geoscience interpretation

The Must-Read paper by Bond et al. (2007) is a truly original piece of work, focusing on the conceptual uncertainty that occurs when earth scientists carry out a geological interpretation on data with limited resolution and/or spatial coverage. In this example it is about an interpretation of seismic reflection data (Fig. 1), but it can be applied to other situations as well. Conceptual uncertaint ...[Read More]


A Day in the Life – Bartosz Kurjanski

A Day in the Life – Bartosz Kurjanski

This blog post is part of our series: “A day in the life of a geomorphologist” for which we’re accepting contributions! Please contact one of the GM blog editors, Emily or Emma, if you’d like to contribute on this topic, or others.  by Bartosz Kurjanski, Lecturer, University of Aberdeen, UK Twitter: @iceice_bartek    |    Email: Shifting sands… but underwater. Hi, my name is ...[Read More]

Hydrological Sciences

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) in Geoscience Miniseries – Part 1: Microcontrollers

Do-It-Yourself (DIY) in Geoscience Miniseries – Part 1: Microcontrollers

We geoscientists need all different kinds of data: soil moisture, water-levels, snow height, radiation, precipitation height and the list goes on. However, the devices we need to generate that data are often too expensive, not available or even don’t exist. Therefore, it’s sometimes necessary to build them yourself (like many geoscientists do – those who annually present their senors p ...[Read More]


GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during November!

GeoRoundup: the highlights of EGU Journals published during November!

Each month we feature specific Divisions of EGU and during the monthly GeoRoundup we put the journals that publish science from those Divisions at the top of the Highlights roundup. For November, the Divisions we are featuring are: Biogeosciences (BG) and Geodesy (G). They are served by the journals: Biogeosciences (BG), SOIL, Solid Earth (SE) and Geoscientific Model Development (GMD).   Feat ...[Read More]


Top 5 Gifts for Geoscientists (2023 edition!)

Top 5 Gifts for Geoscientists (2023 edition!)

The nights are growing darker and there is snow on the ground here in Munich as winter draws close in the Northern Hemisphere, and at this time of year you are probably thinking about what gifts to get that special geoscientist in your life! We know sourcing appropriately nerdy and/or geology related gifts can sometimes be a challenge, so we in the EGU office are back again to help you out with ou ...[Read More]


Call for Applications: Early Career Scientist Representative (GD Division)

Call for Applications: Early Career Scientist Representative (GD Division)

The Geodynamics Division (GD) is looking for an enthusiastic geodynamicist to take up the position of Early Career Scientist (ECS) representative for 2024-2026! Our current ECS representative, Megan Holdt, will be handing over this position at EGU24. This role is a fantastic opportunity to get involved in EGU, contribute to building the geodynamics community and create a welcoming environment for ...[Read More]