EGU Blogs

4946 search results for "6"


Volcanoes Under the Ice

A fascinating story has emerged this week from a paper in Nature Geoscience by Amanda Lough and co-workers (Lough et al., 2013), on the discovery of a new volcano deep beneath the ice of the Western Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS).  The discovery is partly a story of scientists looking in a place where no-one had looked before; this case, using a network of seismometers, as a part of POLENET/ANET ̵ ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

New Placement Opportunity: Hazards Education in the Himalayas – Literature Reviews

In June 2014 a conference will take place in Leh (Ladakh Region, India) with a focus on sustainable resource development in the Himlayas. Prior to the main conference, there will be a two-day school’s conference involving students (aged 14-16 years) from 10-15 local schools. A series of lessons will be delivered to these students on the key topics of (i) climate change, energy resources and energy ...[Read More]


Townhall and Splinter Meetings at EGU 2014

In addition to the wealth of scientific sessions at the General Assembly (27 April – 2 May 2014), there is also the option to attend other meetings during EGU 2014. These include Townhall and Splinter Meetings, which are organised by conference participants.  Townhall Meetings Townhall Meetings are meetings open for all participants in the conference. During these meetings new initiatives or decis ...[Read More]


Imaggeo on Mondays: That spot there? It’s 143,000 kilometres across

This week’s Imaggeo on Mondays highlights an amazing view of the night sky at new moon. Christian Klepp took this photo while at Waterton Glacier in the Rocky Mountains – it’s an incredible feat of determination to spend the night beside a glacial lake in the Rockies, let alone to capture such a photo! The centre of the Milky Way lies just over the horizon, shrouded by clouds of interstellar dust. ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Guest Blog: Chris Phillips of MapAction Visits GfGD Oxford

Ana Heureux (GfGD Ambassador, Oxford) writes about a recent talk to the Oxford GfGD University Group. Chris Phillips came to Oxford on November 5th and gave the first talk of the academic year, talking about his work with MapAction.   Between work at the Ordnance Survey, travelling and volunteering for MapAction and travelling for pleasure, Chris Phillips keeps himself busy. When Chris arrive ...[Read More]


The Geology of Skyrim: An unexpected journey

Back in January I did a talk at an event called Science Showoff, a comedy night based in London where scientists stand up in front of an audience in a pub and talk about funny stuff to do with their work. I talked about video games. Not any video game however, I talked about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. For those of you who don’t know what this is, it’s a fantasy role playing video game. It is a g ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: Yagmur Derin on posters and precipitation

This week in GeoTalk, we’re talking to Yagmur Derin, a masters student from Middle East Technical University, Turkey. She tells us about the intersecting fields of hydrology, climate science and remote sensing, and what it’s like to take the plunge and present your first poster at an international conference. Firstly, can you introduce yourself and what you’ve been investigating as part of your MS ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Geoscience Careers In International Development

Earlier this year I gave a presentation at the UCL IRDR Careers Forum – on working within international development. Today I will be joining many other sectors at a similar event organised by the Earth Science Department at the University of Cambridge. In this post we share some of the top tips, ideas and reflections that have come out of preparing for these events… 1) A responsibility ...[Read More]