EGU Blogs

856 search results for "early career scientists"


What’s on for early career scientists at the Assembly in 2019

What’s on for early career scientists at the Assembly in 2019

This year, there’s a great line-up of early career scientist (ECS) sessions at the General Assembly. Not only that, but there are opportunities to meet those that represent you in the Union, get to know other ECS in your field, and make the most of both the scientific and social sides of the conference… Networking First up for ECS is the icebreaker event during the opening reception on the Sunday ...[Read More]


EGU 2019: Connect at the Networking & Early Career Scientists’ Zone

EGU 2019: Connect at the Networking & Early Career Scientists’ Zone

The EGU General Assembly, the largest geoscience conference in Europe, attracts more than 15,000 participants every year. While there are countless opportunities throughout the week to meet new people and reconnect with colleagues, the convention centre can be overwhelming, especially for early career scientists (ECS) and first-time attendees. The Networking & Early Career Scientists’ Zone (fo ...[Read More]

Solar-Terrestrial Sciences

EGU for Early Career Scientists

EGU for Early Career Scientists

This months post is written by the ST Divisions Early Career Scientist representative, Theresa Rexer. Are you ready for the EGU general assembly 2019? Got your abstract ready and submitted? No, what? Too early you say? No funds? As your Early Career Scientist Representative, let me tell you why now is the perfect time to start planning your trip to Vienna in April next year. Especially if you are ...[Read More]


What’s on for early career scientists at the Assembly in 2018

What’s on for early career scientists at the Assembly in 2018

This year, there’s a great line-up of early career scientist (ECS) sessions at the General Assembly. Not only that, but there are opportunities to meet those that represent you in the Union, get to know other ECS in your field, and make the most of both the scientific and social sides of the conference… Networking First up for ECS is the icebreaker event during the opening reception on the Sunday ...[Read More]


GeoTalk: Eleanor Frajka-Williams, the 2017 Ocean Sciences Division Outstanding Early Career Scientists Awardee

GeoTalk: Eleanor Frajka-Williams, the 2017 Ocean Sciences Division Outstanding Early Career Scientists Awardee

Geotalk is a regular feature highlighting early career researchers and their work. Following the EGU General Assembly, we spoke to Eleanor Frajka-Williams, the 2017 Ocean Sciences Division Outstanding Early Career Scientists awardee. In her work, Eleanor uses real-world measurements – from ships, satellites, sea gliders and moorings – to understand how the world’s oceans work. In today ...[Read More]

Solar-Terrestrial Sciences

EGU for Early Career Scientists

EGU for Early Career Scientists

Are you a student, or have obtained a MSc or PhD degree within the past 7 years? If yes, you are an Early Career Scientist! In the EGU we take great care of the young scientists, and offer a wide range of opportunities, mostly associated with the General Assembly. My name is Jone Peter Reistad and I am the Early Career Scientist (ECS) representative in the Solar-Terrestrial division. My role is to ...[Read More]

Earth and Space Science Informatics

Strengthening Early Career Scientists (ECS) in EGU ESSI

Strengthening Early Career Scientists (ECS) in EGU ESSI

The number of presentations from ECS in the ESSI sessions has been low during recent EGU General Assemblies. We are hence currently trying to get greater involvement and recognition for the ECS in the ESSI Division. How to get involved as ECS in the ESSI division? Join the ESSI ECS mailing list We have a dedicated ESSI ECS mailing list that can be used for discussion between the ESSI ECSs. It is a ...[Read More]


The publication issue: the opinions of EGU early career scientists!

The publication issue: the opinions of EGU early career scientists!

The EGU’s General Assemblies have a long tradition of Great Debates – sessions of Union-wide interest which aim to discuss some of the greatest challenges faced by our discipline. Past topics have included exploitation of mineral resources at the sea bed, water security given an ever growing population and climate geoengineering, to name but a few.  This year’s meeting saw the first Great Debate a ...[Read More]


What’s on for early career scientists at the Assembly in 2017

What’s on for early career scientists at the Assembly in 2017

This year, there’s a great line-up of early career scientist (ECS) sessions at the General Assembly. Not only that, but there are opportunities to meet those that represent you in the Union, get to know other ECS in your field, and make the most of both the scientific and social sides of the conference… Networking First up for ECS is the icebreaker event on the Sunday before the meeting, while thi ...[Read More]


GeoPolicy: What’s next for the IPCC & how can early career scientists get involved? An interview with Valérie Masson-Delmotte

GeoPolicy: What’s next for the IPCC & how can early career scientists get involved? An interview with Valérie Masson-Delmotte

This month’s GeoPolicy post is an interview with the newly-appointed co-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group 1 (WG1): Valérie Masson-Delmotte. Valérie is also a Principle Investigator at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement, Paris. In this interview she discusses how she balances her two roles, what the IPCC has planned over the ...[Read More]