The Groundwater Wetlands and Blogs Study Group is an unfunded, voluntary collaboration of professionals, formed in December 2012, focused on groundwater wetlands, bogs, and related systems. The Study Group has about 250 members in 39 countries.
Study Group members communicate primarily through a disciplined Yahoo Group listserve. We are not a social network nor are we an environmental advocacy group. The listserve is used primarily to exchange scientific and technical information. Exchanges of information are usually brief and technically focused.
For such leadership as is necessary, the Study Group has a Leadership Project composed of a Facilitator and four additional members. Decision-making in the Study Group is simple… an idea will be suggested to the Facilitator or other member of the Leadership Project…will be discussed among the Leadership…and may then be posted to the entire group for discussion. The Post contributed by Tom Baugh who blogs at Hidden Springs.
One such idea was participation in the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting held in Portland, Oregon in May 2015. The Study Group offered a number of papers in Portland in a session that attracted about 150 participants. Another project is currently underway with the journal Freshwater Science where the Study Group will sponsor a special session of papers tentatively scheduled for the June 2016 issue of the journal. Sometimes, project groups will form to address specific issues…several of these include a Journal Literature Project and a Science App Project.
Study Group membership is by invitation and there is no fee. Those interested in joining should contact Study Group Facilitator Tom Baugh at springmountain1@att.net. Post contributed by Tom Baugh who blogs at Hidden Springs.