EGU Blogs


Geology for Global Development

GfGD Blog Competition 2013

Following the success of the Geology for Global Development blog competition 2012, we’d like to invite you to join our ‘GfGD Blog Competition 2013’. This is a great opportunity to write about a topic that you love, and to put science communication into practice. Clear communication, particularly of complex scientific problems, is a skill that is highly valued by many employers. Good science commun ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Looking ahead to the summer…

The sunshine is out, we have our first male singles Wimbledon Champion in 77 years, and the smell of BBQs is wafting through our windows – it is officially summertime! Over the summer the GfGD blog is going to be busy, with a range of interesting articles. As normal, we’ll still be publishing articles on Mondays and Wednesdays, with our Friday Photos continuing as well. You may also fi ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Friday Photo (86): Wildlife in the Field – the Rock Hyrax

This little guy (can you spot him?!) is a Dassie, or “Rock Hyrax” – a familiar friend to many geologists in the field. These animals live in groups among large fallen blocks of rock, and will pop their heads up periodically to keep an eye on you as you go about your fieldwork. They can  cause problems as they have designated ‘toilet rocks’, and their urine can cover a ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Fighting Global Poverty – Can Geologists Help? – Conference Launch

Registration is now open for GfGD’s first National Conference – ‘Fighting Global Poverty – Can Geologists Help?’ – taking place on Wednesday 23rd October 2013, at the Geological Society of London. Across the world millions of people lack access to clean water, are exposed to multiple natural hazards, or suffer as a result of severe environmental degradation. Is ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

New Opportunity – Hazard Factsheets

Jane Robb, GfGD Communication Officer, writes about a new and exciting opportunity for GfGD members… For many of our followers the opportunity to get involved in international development as a geologist, or at all, is difficult. One of GfGD’s core purposes is to help change this at a UK level, to make sure that good geoscience – and geoscientists – can contribute to good de ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Upcoming GfGD Placements

July will be a busy month for a few GfGD members – as they undertake geoscience-development based placements with a variety of hosts. Below we introduce you to the three students, and give them the chance to say a few words about the opportunity they’ve been given. Each student will be preparing a report on their placement, which will be made available on our website. All future placem ...[Read More]

Geology for Global Development

Placement Report – Sam Marshall (CAFOD, April 2013)

At the end of each GfGD placement we ask the student completing that placement to think about his/her experiences and write a short report (available to download here). In April 2013, Sam Marshall spent a week working with disaster risk reduction advisor Dr Kate Crowley (pictured with Sam Marshall) at the international NGO CAFOD. Today we share Sam’s report – outlining what he got up t ...[Read More]