The EGU General Assembly is an amazing event, not only because of its size but also due to the number of disciplines represented! This gives scientists, who are diligently focused on their specific research for the majority of the year, the chance to let loose and learn something a bit different. This year’s assembly will host a multitude of science-policy related sessions that aim to help researc ...[Read More]
Open Positions on the EGU Education and Outreach Committees
Do you have experience in science education or outreach? Are you looking to get more involved with the EGU community? The EGU Committee on Education and the EGU Outreach Committee are both searching for members interested in promoting the geosciences as well as engaging with the groups inside and outside the science community. The Committee on Education, who is seeking a new committee chair, coord ...[Read More]
Imaggeo on Mondays: The birth of a new ocean

This is a photograph of Zin (or Tzin) Valley, taken from Midreshet Ben Gurion at Sede Boker, Negev Desert in Israel. The Zin Valley takes its name from the River Zin, which is now a dry river except for a few days of the year when heavy rainfall can form dangerous flash floods. The River Zin originates from the Makhtesh Ramon (Crater Ramon), the biggest erosion crater in the world. It is located a ...[Read More]
January GeoRoundup: the best of the Earth sciences from across the web

Drawing inspiration from popular stories on our social media channels, as well as unique and quirky research news, this monthly column aims to bring you the best of the Earth and planetary sciences from around the web. Major stories The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has confirmed that 2017 is among the three warmest years on record. The three years with the highest temperature on record ...[Read More]