It is now just over two weeks until vEGU21 begins on 19 April and today uploading of your display materials and live presentation slides can begin! But what do you need to know about uploading and commenting?! Firstly you should know that detailed information about uploading all materials for your vPICO and other types of presentation can be found on the website – specificall ...[Read More]
Accessibility at vEGU21: creating an accessible (and effective) presentation!
Even before the global pandemic reshaped how we share our scientific research, presenting our results online has become more and more a normal activity for researchers around the world. Digital conferencing, remote presentations and pre-recorded talks shared over the internet have a lot of positives and negatives, not least of which is the ability to share your work with a wider audience than migh ...[Read More]
GeoPolicy: How to use webinars to share your science with a wider audience!
Since the explosive spread of COVID19, the way most academics work has changed and it can sometimes feel like we’re all living on conference calls, Skype and online events. While this may not suit everyone’s preferred working style, it’s difficult to deny that people are now more willing to engage online and it’s worth thinking about how we can take full advantage of this new method of working! Ha ...[Read More]
#shareEGU20: Top 10 tips for promoting good online engagement for conveners

So, you’ve taken the plunge – you have decided to upload your materials as an author, or committed to hosting your session with your fellow conveners, or perhaps started to add sessions to your personal programme as a participant. What comes next? Interacting with other researchers using one of our new platforms! During the next two weeks we will post more information about what those platforms wi ...[Read More]