Glacial lake outburst floods are among the most concerning consequences of retreating glaciers in mountain ranges around the world. Although the phenomenon isn’t a new one, it has increasingly become the focus of research efforts in the last two decades, with many scientists seeing these floods as an emblematic symptom of climate change. This blog sheds some light on this lesser-known geological e ...[Read More]
The most-read EGU journal articles in 2021!
This year EGU published more than 3,375 peer-reviewed articles in our 19 Open Access journals. Upon learning about this impressive number of articles, we wondered: which of these were the most popular? You can find out in the following list of the most-read article for each EGU journal. From rainfall-runoff prediction, tipping points and open source hazard mapping, to the use of language around fr ...[Read More]
GeoTalk: Meet Valeria Cigala, the Natural Hazards Division’s Early Career Scientist Representative

Hello Valeria, thank you for talking with us today! Could you tell us a bit about yourself? Hi Simon, I’m delighted to talk with you today; thank you for the opportunity! I originally come from Italy, and I work as a postdoc researcher at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich, in Germany, in experimental and physical volcanology. In particular, I’m working on my DFG funded projec ...[Read More]
#vEGU21: #EGUartKIDS Hall of Fame – Extreme e-ART-h!
The EGU Kids Art activity normally happens in person in the creche at the conference centre during the General Assembly, but first last year and now this year we have had to move all our activities online instead. Working together – two of our Division Early Career Scientist teams, one from Natural Hazards and one from Cryospheric Sciences came up with this year’s theme ‘Extreme ...[Read More]