
geoscience education

A Pedagogical Dance: EGU’s Teacher-Scientist Pairing Scheme

A Pedagogical Dance: EGU’s Teacher-Scientist Pairing Scheme

An email from Giuliana Panieri, a geology professor at the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) in Tromsø, cracked my pandemic bubble late last year. She invited me to join an unconventional expedition (AKMA OceanSenses) to the Arctic Ocean, where scientists worked hand-in-hand with other societal actors, to integrate different kinds of knowledge and create tools that help open up people’s minds to a ...[Read More]

Introducing INTEGRATE: a complete higher-education teaching package for climate science

Introducing INTEGRATE: a complete higher-education teaching package for climate science

If you are a higher-education instructor and want to teach climate science and a suite of relevant technical skills to those with no (or minimal) prior knowledge of climatology, you may want to begin with INTEGRATE (Integrated Teaching of Atmospheric Science, Technical Skills and Empirical Methods). This teaching package is self-contained, open-access, and available online. Topics covered include ...[Read More]