

Imaggeo On Monday: The Papingo’s rock pools

Imaggeo On Monday: The Papingo’s rock pools

The Papingo’s rock pools are located at the mountainous area of Epirus in northwestern Greece, at an altitude of 980 meters. The Rogovo stream, over the years, has eroded the limestone rocks creating a complex of water falls and cavities (natural rock pools) with clear and cold running water, which the locals call “ovires”. Photo by Athanasios Serafeim, as described on   ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: Stands of Time

Imaggeo On Monday: Stands of Time

Within the heart of the Malagasy Hauts-Plateaux, the rolling grasslands are pitted by deep incisions locally referred to as lavaka (‘hole’ in Malagasy). These mass failure features provide vast quantities of terrestrial matter to local freshwater arteries, accounting for over 80% of the annual sediment load of the Betsiboka River. The collapse of the overlying laterite exposes a comparatively nutr ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: A meander in the meltwater valley

Imaggeo On Monday: A meander in the meltwater valley

At the edge of the Greenland Ice Sheet, surface melt releases old layers of dust, that have travelled thousands of years into the ice. Under sunny weather, the dust heats up with radiation, melts the ice underneath, and thus accumulates in tiny potholes and meltwater creeks. However, this photo was taken after a rainy day. The rain triggered increased melt on the surface of the ice irrelevant of i ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: An ever evolving landscape – Orog Nuur, Mongolia

Imaggeo On Monday: An ever evolving landscape – Orog Nuur, Mongolia

At the transition from the Gobi Altay ranges to the Valley of the Lakes in South West Mongolia, the Ikh Bogd mountain towers almost 3000 m above the aridifying endorheic Orog Nuur Basin. The actively deforming mountain front shows traces of multiple earthquakes, which in turn affect the alluvial sediments deposited in the basin. Simultaneously, strong south-eastward winds create beautiful barchan ...[Read More]