Every year at the General Assembly hundreds of students present their research with a lot of time and effort going into preparing these presentations. With the aim to further improve the overall quality of poster presentations and more importantly, to encourage Early Career Scientists to present their work in the form of a poster, the OSP Awards (as they were formerly known), were born. Since the ...[Read More]
GeoTalk: meet David Fernández-Blanco, your new Union-level Early Career Scientist Representative!
Hello David. Thank you for agreeing to this interview! To break ground, could you tell our readers about yourself and your career background? Hi Simon. It’s my pleasure, thank you for inviting me. Well, I’m a Spanish “tectonicist” and I’ve been lucky to work in great institutions all over Europe; Amsterdam, Paris, Zürich, London, and Barcelona, where I live now… ...[Read More]
Outstanding Student and PhD-candidate Presentation (OSPP) top tips from winners and judges!
Every year at the General Assembly hundreds of students present their research with a lot of time and effort going into preparing these presentations. With the aim to further improve the overall quality of poster presentations and more importantly, to encourage Early Career Scientists to present their work in the form of a poster, the OSP Awards (as they were formerly known), were born. Since the ...[Read More]
GeoTalk: Philippe Courtial, Executive Secretary, reflects on 20 years of EGU!
Hi Philippe, could you please introduce yourself and your role for our readers? Thank you for inviting me today to provide this contribution as part of this celebration of the EGU 20th anniversary. Being fascinated by the geological features and the beauty of the minerals since my early age, I had the opportunity to study Geology. I completed my PhD at the Institut de Physique du Globe in Paris on ...[Read More]