
Early Career Scientists

The Early Career Scientists group ‘Jobs and Careers’ is here to help all ECS!

The Early Career Scientists group ‘Jobs and Careers’ is here to help all ECS!

Early Career Scientists (ECS) often face challenges when it comes to finding and pursuing their career path. Science offers a wide variety of options, so building a career in or around science can be quite daunting, with no clear single path to follow. While research is an obvious career choice for ECS, it can be conducted in a variety of different settings; from academic and governmental institut ...[Read More]

The EGU22 Mentoring Program could be just what your career needs

The EGU22 Mentoring Program could be just what your career needs

The countdown to EGU22 has officially begun! If you are participating in the General Assembly this year and want to support and connect with other researchers in or outside of your field, we encourage you to sign up for the EGU22 Mentoring Program. The program matches experienced conference participants (mentors) with those who have not previously participated in a large geoscience conference (men ...[Read More]

Discover the BASE of academic writing to become a better writer

Discover the BASE of academic writing to become a better writer

Has anyone ever had a chat with you about your writing? Or their writing for that matter – and I don’t mean about their last publication but their writing process? Writing and in particular academic writing is one of those skills that people assume everyone has and picks up somehow by doing it – without ever really being properly shown how to write. I definitely haven’t been to any writing worksho ...[Read More]

EGUsphere preprints: moderators celebrate more opportunities and increased flexibility

EGUsphere preprints: moderators celebrate more opportunities and increased flexibility

Preprints are in the spotlight this month at EGU, with the newest feature of our Open Access repository EGUsphere now officially available! As we observe this new milestone, EGU is aware of the important role that its moderators will play in this process. This week, four EGUsphere moderators tell us what they look forward to in their new role and encourage other geoscientists to join in the experi ...[Read More]