
early career researchers

GeoTalk: Meet Valeria Cigala, the Natural Hazards Division’s Early Career Scientist Representative

GeoTalk: Meet Valeria Cigala, the Natural Hazards Division’s Early Career Scientist Representative

Hello Valeria, thank you for talking with us today! Could you tell us a bit about yourself? Hi Simon, I’m delighted to talk with you today; thank you for the opportunity! I originally come from Italy, and I work as a postdoc researcher at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich, in Germany, in experimental and physical volcanology. In particular, I’m working on my DFG funded projec ...[Read More]

How to vEGU – Networking (part 4): Top 10 Networking events!

How to vEGU – Networking (part 4): Top 10 Networking events!

Throughout the two weeks of #vEGU21 the assembly will be host to a diverse number of networking events. In this blog we’ve highlighted some of the key events of interest to attendees. Events are ordered in date-order from the start of the conference. You can keep up-to-date on Networking events by in the EGU Programme. This year there are two options: the EGU sponsored Networking events and the Po ...[Read More]

How to vEGU – Networking (part 3): Early Career Scientist networking events!

How to vEGU – Networking (part 3): Early Career Scientist networking events!

From Monday to Friday over the two weeks of #vEGU21 the Early Career Scientists will be hosting networking events specific to each of the EGU’s Divisions. Keep up-to-date and discover when each ECS Division networking event is, alongside other details, in the EGU Programme by selecting “Please Select” and then “Networking” in the session programme page. Keep an eye out for other ECS events too, li ...[Read More]

Why is research in Antarctica so important?

Why is research in Antarctica so important?

On the 1st December 1959 the Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 nations, setting aside nearly 10% of the Earth “forever to be used exclusively for peaceful purposes… in the interests of all mankind.” In the years that followed more and more countries signed the agreement, until today when the agreement has been signed by 54 countries around the globe.  In 2010, the Foundation for ...[Read More]