

Imaggeo on Mondays: Loowit – the lady of fire.

Imaggeo on Mondays: Loowit – the lady of fire.

Today marks the 40th anniversary of the explosive eruption of volcano Mount St Helens, in western Washington State in the USA. So we wanted to feature this iconic volcano in this week, in our weekly feature, Imaggeo On Mondays. If you would like your imaggeo image featured in our blog, please contact the EGU Communications Officer.   Mt St Helens, in Washington State USA, is possibly one of t ...[Read More]

#shareEGU20: Science through Lego photography!

During the week of #shareEGU20 we were very fortunate that both of our Artists in Residence, Stacy Phillips and Priyanka das Rajkakati agreed to participate virtually. We will feature some of Priyanka’s work in a later post, but in case you missed it during the week we wanted to share some of Stacy’s photography, to perhaps give you some ideas about how you can represent, communicate a ...[Read More]

Epic Journeys: New insights into wildlife and human migrations

Epic Journeys: New insights into wildlife and human migrations

Many wild animals make extraordinary long-distance journeys, whether by land, by air or even by sea. Ancestral, and even some modern, humans have likewise undertaken equally impressive odysseys across and between continents. In order to highlight these “epic journeys,” four different research projects were presented during an EGU press conference held on Wednesday. During the virtual presentations ...[Read More]