
Science Communication

How to make your EGU23 presentation accessible to all

EGU23 image of two rock formations forming a gateway to the river plains beyond, with the EGU logo and the EGU23 title

Most people spend their time and effort making their presentation engaging and impactful, but what about accessibility? An accessible presentation takes into account the diverse backgrounds and abilities of the audience, to enable better understanding and recall of the content shared. This is also true for the way we share scientific research: presenters would do well to communicate their research ...[Read More]

First time at an EGU General Assembly? We got you covered!

First time at an EGU General Assembly? We got you covered!

Europe’s biggest geoscience conference is only 5 weeks away! Each year, the EGU General Assembly brings together over 15,000 researchers, scientists, academics and journalists to discuss and share the latest developments in planetary exploration, Earth observation, polar science, climate change, natural hazards, and much more. And it is held at the Austria Centre Vienna (ACV) which is big enough t ...[Read More]

Winners announced: Here are the best EGU Blog Posts of 2022!

Winners announced: Here are the best EGU Blog Posts of 2022!

As future-focused as we like to be at EGU, we sometimes pause to look back at the year gone by – just a brief glimpse to appreciate all the good work of 2022! As always, we had so many inspiring and thought-provoking blog posts published this year across the EGU’s official blog GeoLog and division blogs. Thank you to each of you for your writing contribution! To continue our annual appreciation fo ...[Read More]

Women claim their space in science and encourage you to do the same!

Women claim their space in science and encourage you to do the same!

The world we live in today has innumerably more career options than our parents and their parents did. But women and young girls continue to be a minority when it comes to careers in science. Experts call this the “STEM Gap”, where STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. According to a UNESCO report, women still only make up 28% of the STEM workforce. Two of the leading r ...[Read More]