
Regular Features

Imaggeo On Monday: Stands of Time

Imaggeo On Monday: Stands of Time

Within the heart of the Malagasy Hauts-Plateaux, the rolling grasslands are pitted by deep incisions locally referred to as lavaka (‘hole’ in Malagasy). These mass failure features provide vast quantities of terrestrial matter to local freshwater arteries, accounting for over 80% of the annual sediment load of the Betsiboka River. The collapse of the overlying laterite exposes a comparatively nutr ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: meet Alicia Fantasia, researcher in ancient Earth climates & ECS representative for SSP Division

GeoTalk: meet Alicia Fantasia, researcher in ancient Earth climates & ECS representative for SSP Division

Hello Alicia, thank you for agreeing to this interview! Before we dig in, could you tell us a little about yourself and your research? Hi Simon, many thanks for giving the nice opportunity to present my research activities. I am Alicia Fantasia and I was born in Switzerland. I have always been passionate about the Earth system, I am sensitive to current climate change issues, and … fascinated by d ...[Read More]

Imaggeo On Monday: The Heart of a Stone

Imaggeo On Monday: The Heart of a Stone

Heart-shaped glomerocryst (aggregate of phenocrysts) made of plagioclase and pyroxene in a cordierite-bearing dacitic lava from Lipari (Eolie Islands). I study the crustal xenoliths of these lavas to understand the processes accompanying high-temperature metamorphism and crustal melting. But I came across this spectacular glomerocryst and couldn’t help but take a picture! Polarized light pho ...[Read More]

The Top Five EGU Education Initiatives We Think You Should Know About

The Top Five EGU Education Initiatives We Think You Should Know About

The EGU Education Committee has opened a call for new members to join. Positions on the committee are open to anyone with an interest in and passion for improving learning at the interface between geoscience and educators, so long as they are an EGU member. In particular, the Committee is keen to include the voices of Early Career Scientists (ECS). Details on the application process are detailed h ...[Read More]