We tend to think of glaciers as spotless pristine settings. But “if plastic is everywhere, why not on the surface of glaciers?” This occurred to Roberto Sergio Azzoni, a professor of environmental science and policy at the University of Milan in Italy, who decided to find the answer to this question for himself. At the European Geosciences Union General Assembly in Vienna, Azzoni and his team pres ...[Read More]
EGU 2019: Follow the conference action live!
Earlier this month we shared a post on how you can keep up to date with all the science being presented at the General Assembly via our social media channels. This week we share with you how you can tune into the conference action, live! Many of the EGU General Assembly highlights will be streamed live, so if you can’t make it to Vienna this year, you can still watch sessions like the Union Sympos ...[Read More]
Blogs and social media at EGU 2019 – tune in to the conference action
With hundreds of oral presentations, PICO sessions and poster presentations taking place each day, it can be difficult to keep up with everything that is on offer during the General Assembly. As well as finding highlights of interesting conference papers, lectures and workshops in the daily newsletter at the General Assembly, EGU Today, you can also keep up to date with all the conference activiti ...[Read More]
Public engagement events at the EGU General Assembly
Thousands of scientists gather in Vienna every year to network and to present and discuss their research at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV). Aside from a packed and diverse programme for scientists at the meeting, the EGU also organises events aimed at the local Viennese public, as well as a few public engagement events and sessions for scientists at the ACV. Night at the museum: EGU Public Lectur ...[Read More]