

Honest observations about EGU23 poster designs: from geophysicist and graphic designer Fabio Crameri

Honest observations about EGU23 poster designs: from geophysicist and graphic designer Fabio Crameri

Science tells us: more is more, and less is less. As geoscientists, we therefore intuitively conceive paragraphs of text as a lot of information, and a generous selection of colours as strongly eye-catching. But text-filled, rainbow-coloured poster presentations communicate neither effectively nor in an accessible manner. After working for months or even years on a geoscience project, we have a lo ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: meet Martin Archer, Space Physicist and Outreach expert!

GeoTalk: meet Martin Archer, Space Physicist and Outreach expert!

Hi Martin. Thank you for joining me for this interview! To start, could you please tell our readers a bit about yourself and your research interests? I’m a space plasma physicist at Imperial College London, studying how the interaction between the solar wind and our magnetosphere leads to a huge amount of dynamics and waves that play a role in space weather. I’m also the Chair of EGU’s Outreach Co ...[Read More]

GeoTalk: meet Francesco Avanzi, researcher in meltwater security!

Francesco Avanzi

Hi Francesco. Thanks for agreeing to this interview! To break the ice, could you tell our readers a bit about yourself and your research? Hey Simon! I’m an Italian hydrologist and earned a PhD at Politecnico di Milano with a dissertation on how snowmelt contributes to seasonal runoff. I then did a postdoc at UC Berkeley, California, where I collaborated with a major US hydropower company to improv ...[Read More]