
Meet our EGU23 Communications Team!

Meet our EGU23 Communications Team!

Everything you see and hear about EGU’s upcoming General Assembly EGU23 is carefully created, designed and posted by our talented communications team! That’s right, this team – our fabulous four if you will – works diligently behind the scenes to manage our social media, blogging and the press conferences. These interns and volunteers are going to be assisting EGU Media and Communications Officer Gillian D’Souza and Head of Communications Hazel Gibson, in the run up to, and during the General Assembly, so if you see them around, don’t hesitate to say hi!


Welcome to the team Ubwiza, Fabio, Ryan and Caitrin!



Ubwiza Chiyungi (Communications Assistant – social media)

Hi, my name is Ubwiza and I currently live in Lusaka, Zambia. I majored in a Environmental Studies for my Bachelor of Sciences at Mulungushi University and I have specialized in non-fiction writing, social media management, content creation and graphic designing for non-profits or social enterprises. The reason I wanted to intern at EGU is because I have always had an interest in geosciences, coming from a science background, and I wanted to able to utilise my skills in social media management.




Fabio Crameri (Communications Assistant – social media)

Twitter: @fcrameri

Hi I’m Fabio and I am a geophysicist and graphic designer at, studying mantle convection through deep time and developing numerical modelling and scientific visualisation tools. Whether it concerns the evolution of our planet through deep time, the changing climate, or the pandemic, I believe accurate and clear science communication is essential. Doing so via online media rebuilds trust in both scientists and fact-based information, while also supporting behavioural change for a low-carbon society. Being able to do this communication internship at the EGU is therefore a truly valuable opportunity for me.



Ryan Tin Long (Press Assistant)

Hey! I am Ryan from Hong Kong, and I am currently studying MSc Applied Geophysics  a Joint Masters Programme from TU Delft, ETH Zurich and RWTH Aachen. I really enjoy the process of converting geophysical data into compelling stories about our dynamic Earth, which has led me to develop my studies and career in both Geophysics and Science Communication. Apart from working on numerical models of waves, I also produce videos as a hobby on the side. Here are some videos I made for my Bachelor’s department (CUHK ESSC).
I sometimes find myself more interested in videography than geophysics… Joining EGU23 as both a geophysicist and a videographer assistant is therefore perfect for me to combine my interests! I am looking forward to learning more about media relations in scientific conferences like EGU, and am excited to see what I can contribute for science communication this year 🙂

‘Learn something about everything, and everything about something.’ — Thomas Henry Huxley



 Caitrin Pilkington (Press Assistant)

Hi, I’m Caitrin and I’m a journalist based in Yellowknife, Canada. Since graduating with a Master’s in Journalism from the University of King’s College, I’ve contributed to national and international publications including VICE, WHYY/NPR, the Globe and Mail, and the National Post. I bring a background in science through my undergraduate degree in Sustainability at the University of Dalhousie and a minor in Sustainable Development from the University of Leiden. I’m looking forward to a week of learning and new ideas at EGU23.


Thanks to all our Communications and Press Assistants for helping out – if you see any of them during the week, say hi!

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Gillian D’Souza was Media and Communications Officer of the European Geosciences Union between 2022 and 2024. She oversaw the Union's blog writing, press interactions and external communication. She has been a science writer on various subjects including health and the environment for close to a decade, and has an M.Sc. in Food Microbiology and Biochemistry from Mumbai, India.

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