On Monday 4th May, we hosted an online webinar for #shareEGU20 in which we invited participants to collaborate in writing geoscience poetry together. ‘Rhyme Your Research’ is a long-running short course at the EGU General Assembly, but this year marked our first foray into the digital environment.
Over the course of an hour, 136 participants got together to draw pictures of each other, write list poems of what they could see in the Zoom windows of people across the world, and co-create haiku that explored their research.
- By Veronica Escobar Ruis (@v_ritos)
- By Linda Speight (@Linda_sp8)
It was an interactive, engaging, and slightly chaotic session, which was an absolute joy to organise and which resulted in several rather wonderful poems, some of which are presented below for your enjoyment.
salmons suffer from
showering in acid rain
By Andrew, Lilyan and Anouk
time flows through layers of ages
even in dry season
rivers remain
By Anna
dansende rivier
op het ritme van de mens
maar wie is de baas
By Marloes, Caitlyn and Tim
climate change wrecking out world,
Amazon on fire,
kids have the power.
By Claire, Eva, and Miluska
For those of you who missed the webinar, you can check out a recording of it HERE on the EGU Youtube Channel.
When we started the Rhyme Your Research short course several years ago we did so because we wanted to bring together geoscientists from across the world via the medium of poetry. Hosting this year’s version in a virtual environment enabled us to continue that process, and we are really excited to see what collaborations continue to develop beyond #shareEGU20.
If you wrote a poem during the Rhyme Your Research session, and would like to read it out at the poetry slam section of the #shareEGU20 closing party on Friday (register here), then please get in touch with one of us on Twitter and we’ll make a space for you at the virtual poetry slam!
Sam Illingworth (@samillingworth)
Tim van Emmerik (@TimVanEmmerik)
Arianna Soldati (@AriannaSoldati)
Caitlyn Hall (@caitlynahall)