The EGU General Assembly brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting that covers all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The conference is taking place in Vienna on 17–22 April 2016, providing an opportunity for both established scientists and early career researchers to present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of the geosciences.
Following from last year’s success, the EGU General Assembly will have a theme: Active Planet. You’ll be able to find more information about it on the EGU 2016 website over the next few weeks so keep your eyes peeled! The theme does not constrain the topics to be presented at the Assembly; rather, it will add to the conference experience.
Registration and abstract submission
Early registration for the conference is open until 17 March 2016. You can register online on the Registration section of the General Assembly website. Note that EGU members benefit from reduced member rates; to become a member, or renew your EGU membership, go to www.egu.eu/membership/.
You can get a feel for the great geoscience that will be discussed at the meeting by browsing through the EGU 2016 sessions. Clicking on ‘please select’ allows you to search for sessions by Programme Group. You’ll then be able to view the sessions in more detail and submit an abstract to its relevant session. The deadline for abstract submission is 13 January 2016, 13:00 CET.
Submit your short course ideas and townhall and splinter meeting requests
Short courses are workshop-type sessions that provide participants with the opportunity to learn about a new subject or further their knowledge in a particular area. They last between 90 and 180 minutes. If you have an idea for a short course, you can submit it via the EGU 2016 website until 13 January.
Also available on the conference website are the request forms for townhall and splinter meetings.
More details about the short courses, splinter and townhall meetings at the conference will be given in an upcoming blog post.
For more information about the General Assembly, please see the EGU 2016 website.