There are 14 short courses at the EGU General Assembly 2013.
Short courses are great opportunities to learn about a subject or further your knowledge in a particular area. The short courses at this year’s General Assembly are listed below.

Short courses represent a refreshing opportunity to learn from the masters (source: Wikimedia Commons)
SC1 Short Course: Tipping Points in the Geosciences (also listed as NP1.5)
SC2 Short Course: Nonlinear Time Series Analysis (also listed as NP1.6)
SC3 Short Course: Predictability in Theory and Predictability in Practice (also listed as NP1.7)
SC4 How to write (and publish) a scientific paper in hydrology (also listed as HS11.1)
SC5 Meet the expert in hydrology – Round tables among young and established scientists (also listed as HS11.2)
SC6 Short Course: How to apply and interpret the Fast Fourier Transform (also listed as NH10.1)
SC7 Short Course on methods and techniques to study soils affected by fire
SC8 Blogs and social media in scientific research (also listed as EOS12)
SC9 How to apply for a job (also listed as EOS13)
SC10 Managing Uncertainty in the Model Web
SC11 Geomorphology workshops for young scientists: Dating techniques in geomorphology (also listed as GM11.1)
SC12 Geomorphology workshops for young scientists: Supervising Master’s and PhD projects (also listed as GM11.2)
SC13 Geomorphology workshops for young scientists: Open access publishing (also listed as GM11.3)
SC14 Geomorphology workshops for young scientists: Meet the Master
Please note that courses operate on a first come, first served basis, so make sure you arrive early!