‘My way’ by Amirhossein Mojtahedzadeh, distributed by EGU under a Creative Commons license
Rocks within the Earth are constantly being subjected to forces that bend, twist, and fracture them, causing them to change shape and size. This process is known as deformation. Polyphase deformation occurs over time when rocks are affected, or stressed, by more than one phase of deformation.
Geomorphologist Amirhossein Mojtahedzadeh captured this stunning scene whilst on field work. “This photo was taken near Qom in central Iran. These formations are contained by sedimentary rocks, which underwent polyphase deformation and metamorphism – clearly visible in areas at this location,” he says.
Iran covers an area of 1 648 000 square kilometres. The central plateau, located between the bounding mountain ranges, is a major feature of the country’s diverse morphology.
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