Hello everyone!
I am a new Science Communications Fellow at the Union, where I will be working on the EGU Newsletter and assisting Bárbara Ferreira in developing media-related and science information communications.
I am currently in the final stages of my doctorate (DPhil) at the University of Oxford, where my molecular biology project explores the diversity and ecology of Apusozoa, a phylum of free-living protozoan flagellates. I also take an active interest in science policy and communications and spent three months on a NERC-funded Secondment to the UK Parliamentary Office of Science & Technology (POST), where I researched and wrote a parliamentary briefing on biodiversity offsetting market-based conservation strategies. Having also recently served as a Trans-Atlantic Junior Fellow at the Colorado-based El Pomar Foundation, I maintain a keen interest in large-scale transatlantic policy issues and have recently been chosen to participate in the Emerging Leaders in Environment and Energy Policy (ELEEP) network, a project hosted by the Atlantic Council of the United States.
My studies include an MSc degree from the University of Oxford as well as undergraduate degrees in Environmental Biology from the University of St Andrews and Sociology/Psychology from McGill University.
If you have any questions about the EGU or any of its publications, I can be reached at +49(0)892180-6717 or at glucksman@egu.eu.
All the best,
Edvard Glücksman