The General Assembly is around the corner, and we would like to advertise the events the early-career scientist (ECS) Team of our Division have been preparing to create networking opportunities for ECSs.
- Joint picnic for ST/PS/AS/EMRP ECSs (in-person only)
When? Monday 24 April, 12:30–13:45 CEST
Where? Meeting near the main entrance of the Austrian Center Vienna (ACV), before heading out to the Donaupark.
What? The early-career scientist (ECS) teams of the ST, PS, AS and GMPV Divisions organise a joint picnic in the park next to the ACV! The plan is to get to know each other thanks to an (optional) ice-breaking game and have a nice time, as the General Assembly is starting. Let us meet at 12:30 (as soon as the morning sessions end) near the main entrance of the ACV and find a nice spot in the park. Participants are expected to bring their own food and drinks. In case of rain, we will consider a backup plan. - Meet the Experts: The future of solar–terrestrial sciences (in-person only)
When? Wednesday 26 April, 18:00–19:00 CEST
Where? EGU networking zone – terrace G (purple level)
What? Are you an early-career scientist working on topics within the umbrella of the ST Division? Are you looking for tips and insight from established researchers who can share their vision of the upcoming challenges and opportunities in our field? Or do you simply want an opportunity to grow your network and meet new faces? If so, join us for this networking event, where you will be able to chat with experts on various topics and methods, in an informal context. You can come and go as suits you during the hour allocated for this event. - ST Division dinner (in-person only)
When? Wednesday 26 April, 20:00 CEST
Where? Café Leopold, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Vienna (
What? The ST Division’s ECS Team is organising a joint dinner during EGU23. This aims at being an informal get-together event in a context more relaxed than during the General Assembly’s official setup. The number of spots being limited, we ask you to please register using the following link: Kindly note that each participant is expect to pay for their own food!
Among other events relevant to the ST Division and not part of the scientific sessions, please note that our ST Division meeting will take place on Thursday 27 April, 12:45–13:45 CEST, in room L2. Every member of the ST Division is welcome to attend.
During the General Assembly week, we encourage you to make use of the Slack workspace (if you are not part of it and wish to be added, email to continue discussions with your peers, share your science, network… We will also aim at posting each evening a list of the events relevant to the ST Division and to ECSs scheduled for the next day, to help you decide which sessions you want to attend. In the meantime, you can already create your personal programme on the EGU23 website:
Finally, while we are not actively organising any online networking event this year, we encourage online participants who would be like to have one to set up a pop-up networking event at the time that suits them, using the pop-up event scheduling tool ( Do not hesitate to coordinate it with other interested participants by initiating the discussion on Slack.
Looking forward to seeing many of you in Vienna and online during the General Assembly!