Soil System Sciences

science publishing

Solid Earth, an open-access journal

Fabrizio Storti Chief Executive Editor of Solid Earth Università degli Studi di Parma The importance of publishing open access is increasing every year in Scientific Institutions worldwide and is becoming mandatory in several research funding programmes. Many funding institutions, including ERC, are financially supporting publishing in open access journals. EGU and Copernicus launched open access ...[Read More]

Why your scientific paper was accepted?

Why your scientific paper was accepted?

As one of the executive editors of Solid Earth, one of my main duties is to keep up the journal’s reputation and a high quality of published articles. For a manuscript to be considered as a candidate for publication, it is necessary to fall within the scope of the journal. But, in my opinion, it also needs to show “new science”: innovation in the methods or approaches, sound resu ...[Read More]

Science results: special issues derived from EGU-Soil System Science sessions

The impact of the oral, poster and PICO presentations of the Soil System Sciences Division of the EGU is greater and greater. Because of the relevance of research results, conveners and contributors often decide to promote the publication of journal special issues. This list is a compilation (probably not complete) of some of these special issues published in scientific journals, with links to the ...[Read More]