Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology

Cinzia Bottini

Cinzia Bottini is a micropalaeontologist at the University of Milan (Italy), where she studies calcareous nannofossils. In particular, her research focuses on Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events (OAEs) and aims at understanding calcareous nannoplankton response to the extreme climatic and palaeoceanographic conditions that occurred during the OAEs. Her work includes the stratigraphic characterization of pelagic sections as well as multi-proxies based palaeoclimatic and palaeoecological reconstructions. She is one of the two palaeontology science officers for SSP.

The effects of water pollution on tiny algae

With an increase in the Earth’s population, development and industrialization are taking place rapidly and these get the major source of water contamination. Heavy metals are one of the most toxic contaminants of the aquatic ecosystems. Increasing industrialization and anthropogenic activities are causing an increasing pollution in soils and water. More than 100,000 chemicals are used commercially ...[Read More]

Fossils on screen

In these days fossils are becoming the new Hollywood stars as we are more and more pushed to use new -or sort of new- approaches for disseminating paleontology which pass through a screen. Technology is providing us with several ways to reach homes, colleagues throughout the world, or classrooms to share our research. The EGU General Assembly meeting itself will be online in 2021. Popular museums ...[Read More]

Adaptation and inheritance in the geosciences

Every year, the Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Paleontology Division awards one scientist for their outstanding contribution to stratigraphy, sedimentology or paleontology with the Lamarck medal in recognition of the scientific achievements of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (Bazentin-le-Petit, 1-02-1744 – Paris, 18-12-1829). It was the 11 May 1800 when Jean Baptiste Lamarck presented a lecture at the Musé ...[Read More]

The hard part of life: the secrets of biomineralization

Biomineralization is a fascinating natural process by which living organisms produce hierarchical mineral structures with diverse functions. The “secrets” of biomineralization are explored by the scientists since decades but there are still open questions regarding its function, the regulating mechanisms and why and when biomineralization started.This process occurs through self-organization of or ...[Read More]