

SENSOR: Fishing geophones from a helicopter in Greenland

SENSOR: Fishing geophones from a helicopter in Greenland

“SENSOR” – stands for Seismological Experiments, Network Systems, Observations and Recovery In this blog series, we share news about recent or upcoming seismic experiments around the globe! And this time we’re checking in with Ana Nap, a PhD student from the University of Zurich, Switzerland, about her work on Greenland’s fastest glacier… Installing instruments on Greenland’s fas ...[Read More]

Earthquake Watch: The Guanshan, Chih-shang sequence in Taiwan, 17-18 Sept, 2022

Earthquake Watch: The Guanshan, Chih-shang sequence in Taiwan, 17-18 Sept, 2022

Contribution about the September 2022 M 6.6 and M 6.8 earthquakes in South-East Taiwan Dr.Yifan Yin , recent graduate at the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at the Earth Sciences department of ETH Zürich. On 17 September 2022, a magnitude 6.6 quake shook the southern-east Taiwan. The merely 8.6 km deep quake was widely felt across the island. Sixteen hours later, a magnitude 6.8 shallow quake fo ...[Read More]

On the Frontline of the Mission for Marsquakes

On the Frontline of the Mission for Marsquakes

This week we interview Géraldine Zenhäusern, a PhD student at ETH Zurich’s Department of Earth Sciences, about her experience of being on the frontline of spotting Marsquakes with NASA’s InSight mission…. What is the InSight mission? The NASA InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) mission is a geophysical observatory (see Fig. 1) which landed ...[Read More]

Marsquake Detection with Machine Learning Methods

Marsquake Detection with Machine Learning Methods

We interview Nikolaj Dahmen, a PhD student at ETH Zurich’s Institute of Geophysics, about how he uses Machine Learning methods to detect Marsquakes using data from NASA’s InSight Mission…. Why are marsquakes important to detect? Marsquakes generate seismic waves that travel from its source through the interior of the planet. The recordings of these waves carry information about the medium through ...[Read More]