A couple of weeks ago, we promised a more detailed review of our experience at the General Assembly 2016. Here is something we deemed worthy to spread word about. EGU is dedicated to geoscience, so the first thing we are all looking for in the general assembly and EGU’s journals is…interesting science! Duh. But science doesn’t live in an isolated space of labs and computing centers. There is ample ...[Read More]
Recent activities of the Seismology Division Early Career Scientists representative(s)
In this blog post we highlight the work that has been done by the Early Career Scientists representatives of the Seismology Division in the last two years. In recent years the European Geosciences Union has embarked on a mission to reach out for its numerous ‘younger’ members by giving awards to outstanding young scientists and the setting up of Early Career Scientists (ECS) representatives. The ...[Read More]
EGU GA 2016 – You don’t get older, you get better!
This years general assembly is over and its buzz still ringing in my ears. Here are a few spotlight impressions fresh off my mind. In the coming days and weeks, the complete brand new ECS representative team will present itself on the blog, and we will update you in more detail about highlights and low points of the conference. SCIENCE! Do we have to mention it was amazing? Yes, I’ve heard people ...[Read More]
Seismology social evening at EGU
Wondering how to spend your Wednesday night in Wien during the General Assembly? Wishing to network with your peers, both Early Career Scientists (ECS) and more experiences seismologists, in a informal setting? Then, come along to the Social Event of the Seismology Division organised by the ECS-representatives team! See you on Wednesday night, from 8pm, at Bermuda Brau!