Matthew here! Since the end of the Summer, across Europe there were a few months of some kind of normality, and the ECS team enjoyed the freedoms that were on offer. Field work! In-person conferences! Actually seeing someone else in the office!?! As the winter draws in (how can it be December already?!?), and the future looks a bit more uncertain, we hope reading about what the team have been gett ...[Read More]
“State of the ECS”: Proudly presenting the new commers!
Maria here! Well, it has been some time but now we have some exciting news! Our little ECS group is not that little anymore. After EGU five, yes I repeat, five new members joined our team! Yay. Without further ado, I give the floor to the newbies, so they can introduce themselves. Hi everyone! This is Angel! (Yes, it’s my real name!) I’m a geophysics PhD s ...[Read More]
“State of the ECS”: Pre-EGU madness
Ciao, Ohh, March is already over, well it ended how it started… reading, writing, sleep, repeat, but I can see some light at the end of the tunnel of the paper 😆. This work will be the last part of my thesis, and of course, I will present it at #vEGU21, so stay tuned. Besides research, we ECS reps currently focus on the preparation of network activities for the general assembly. So if ...[Read More]
“State of the ECS”: (Co)-Working
Hi – Chiara here. I have just joined the EGU ECS Team and hope to provide my little contribution to the seismology community, but also have fun and meet cool people (unfortunately, for now just virtually!). I make my living as a global seismologist using earthquakes to explore the Earth’s deep interior. This would be in principle a very exciting job – at least to me – but I have to admit that in t ...[Read More]