
Earthquake Watch

Earthquake Watch: The Guanshan, Chih-shang sequence in Taiwan, 17-18 Sept, 2022

Earthquake Watch: The Guanshan, Chih-shang sequence in Taiwan, 17-18 Sept, 2022

Contribution about the September 2022 M 6.6 and M 6.8 earthquakes in South-East Taiwan Dr.Yifan Yin , recent graduate at the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) at the Earth Sciences department of ETH Zürich. On 17 September 2022, a magnitude 6.6 quake shook the southern-east Taiwan. The merely 8.6 km deep quake was widely felt across the island. Sixteen hours later, a magnitude 6.8 shallow quake fo ...[Read More]

Earthquake Watch: The Coalcomán, Mexico – September, 2022

Earthquake Watch: The Coalcomán, Mexico – September, 2022

Dr. F. Ramón Zúñiga, from the Centro de Geociencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, outlines the 19 September 2022 Mw7.7 Coalcomán, Mexico earthquake for the last Earthquake Watch of the year. On September 19th, barely one hour after the national drill commemorating the damaging earthquakes of September 19th, in 1985 and 2017, another strong earthquake was widely felt in Mexico. It cause ...[Read More]

Earthquake Watch: Woods Point, Australia – September, 2021

Earthquake Watch: Woods Point, Australia – September, 2021

Dee Ninis, an Earthquake Geologist and Seismologist from the Seismology Research Centre of Australia, outlines the 22 September 2021 Mw5.9 Woods Point, Australia earthquake for the first Earthquake Watch of the year. On 22 September, 2021 at 09:15 AEST (2021-09-21 23:15 UTC) a moderate earthquake of Mw 5.9 near Woods Point, Victoria, shook southeast Australia. Felt reports were received from as fa ...[Read More]

Earthquake Watch July: Perryville, Alaska

Earthquake Watch July: Perryville, Alaska

One year ago, we started a series of blog posts synthesising the main results and discussions about the most significant earthquakes recorded recently, previously called “Earthquake of the month” and now known as “Earthquake Watch.” In our first edition, we reported on the 2020 Simeonof earthquake M 7.8 that occurred in Alaska (read here), and today we return to the same region with another intere ...[Read More]