Short Course at EGU2017, organized by the ECS-Team of the Seismology Division Title: SC76/SM10.11 – Seismology for non-seismologists Time: Thursday 27 April, 13:30 – 15:00 Location: Room -2.91 This short course is dedicated to non-seismologists, with a particular focus for young scientists (graduates, PhD students and postdocs). The main goal of this short course is to provide an intro ...[Read More]
Some reminders for EGU2017 General Assembly
With only 3 days left for the kick off of the annual European Geosciences Union General Assembly (2017), here is a quick-list to go through in time for EGU. First, read this page for information concerning activities for Early Career Scientists at the GA: Sunday 23th April: The Opening Reception, 18.30-21.00 in Foyer E. Mingle and tingle with th ...[Read More]
EGU Seismology Division 2017 visibility survey
Dear Seismology Division blogpost, Facebook and Twitter followers, The EGU Seismology Division has prepared an online survey to investigate how members are following our division’s activities online. The data we will acquire through this simple survey allows us to learn how we can improve our visibility and to which activities we could further focus. The results will NOT be used for any comm ...[Read More]
Paper of the Month – Bubbles and seismic waves
Our paper of the month is “Bubbles attenuate elastic waves at seismic frequencies: First experimental evidence” (N. Tisato et al., 2015) commented by Luca De Siena. Luca De Siena is Lecturer in Geophysics at the School of Geoscience, University of Aberdeen (UK). He received his PhD from the University of Bologna (Italy) with a scholarship from the INGV-Osservatorio Vesuviano for his work on seism ...[Read More]