Gema Bárcenas-Moreno University of Seville, Sevilla, Spain Currently, the complexity of soil microbial ecology on soil systems is a hot topic in the environmental sciences, since the scientific community has achieved a deep knowledge of the relevance of microorganisms in soil processes. After several decades of study of the effects of wildfires on soils, one of the main conclusions is that soil mi ...[Read More]
6th Young Geomorphologists’ Day in Cagliari/ Sardinia
The Italian Young Geomorphologists represented by Irene Bollati and Francesca Vergari invite you to join their event in September 2015. We are happy to announce the 6th Young Geomorphologists’ Day that will be held in Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) on 29th September 2015. The Event is specifically dedicated to young geomorphologists’, for sharing results of their scientific researches. Any cont ...[Read More]
Presentation and data of EGU2015 workshop available online
Wolfgang Schwanghart from the Universtiy of Potsdam gave an excellent workshop on how to analyse your DEM with Matlab at the EGU last week. He posted some information for you in case of interest. Session GM11.3 of this year’s EGU hosted a workshop on TopoToolbox and bedrock river profile analysis. In case you were unable to attend the meeting or the session, but are interested in this topic, ...[Read More]
Geomorphic contributions in an age of extremes
Come and learn about Geomorphology’s role in understanding, predicting and managing landscapes in extreme storms and floods at the Royal Geographical Society in London on 11 May 2015. Eminent geomorphology professors from across the globe will be presenting. An invitation by Dr. Larissa Naylor from the University of Glasgow and Dr. Tom Spencer from the University of Cambridge. One day Intern ...[Read More]
Cryospheric Sciences
Young Scientist Events at the EGU General Assembly
Are you going to the EGU General Assembly in Vienna next week? Check out these events for young scientists (YS). Short courses The idea behind the young scientist short courses is to give an insight into a certain area and/or the applications/uses/pitfalls in and around the topic. There are a lot of very interesting courses at this year’s meeting. I would like to highlight two short courses in par ...[Read More]
A few reminders for EGU-GA 2015
With a few more days left for the kick off of the annual European Geosciences Union General Assembly (2015) , here is a quick-list to go through in time for EGU. First, read these two pages: Sunday 12th April: The Opening Reception, 18.30-21.00 in Foyer ...[Read More]
Energy, Resources and the Environment
What to see at EGU?: Words on Wednesday – The Green River Natural Analogue as A Field Laboratory To Study the Long-term Fate of CO2 in the subsurface
Words on Wednesday aims at promoting interesting/fun/exciting publications on topics related to Energy, Resources and the Environment. If you would like to be featured on WoW, please send us a link of the paper, or your own post, at If you are interested in today’s WoW, some of the results will be presented during the EGU in session ERE5.2 Field methods and analysis of ...[Read More]
Cryospheric Sciences
Glaciers on Mars
“I did not know that there is water on Mars!” This a sentence I hear surprisingly often when I talk about glaciers on Mars. In fact, it has been known for some time that water exists in the form of ice and water vapour on the planet. For example, water ice layers several kilometres thick cover the Martian poles, and the ground close to the Polar Regions has permafrost patterns very similar to what ...[Read More]
Energy, Resources and the Environment
What to see at EGU?: ERE 1.3 Fractures, mechanics and flow in tight reservoirs
Within a week the EGU General Assembly will kick off! This year the topic will be A Voyage Through Scales. For those that will attend for the first time, the scale of EGU itself may be impressive enough already. So how do you decide where to go? Here we hope to point you to a few interesting sessions, in case you get completely lost. Today we asked Dr. Maartje Houben, one of the Young Scientists c ...[Read More]
Energy, Resources and the Environment
What to see at EGU?: Young Scientist events
Within a week the EGU General Assembly will kick off! This year the topic will be A Voyage Through Scales. For those that will attend for the first time, the scale of EGU itself may be impressive enough already. So how do you decide where to go? Here we hope to point you to a few interesting sessions, in case you get completely lost. To start with, there are a number of interesting events for Youn ...[Read More]