EGU Blogs


Energy, Resources and the Environment

Words on Wednesday: Do Himalayan treelines respond to recent climate change? An evaluation of sensitivity indicators

Words on Wednesday aims at promoting interesting/fun/exciting publications on topics related to Energy, Resources and the Environment. If you would like to be featured on WoW, please send us a link of the paper, or your own post, at *** Schickhoff, U., Bobrowski, M., Böhner, J., Bürzle, B., Chaudhary, R. P., Gerlitz, L., Heyken, H., Lange, J., Müller, M., Scholten, T., Schwa ...[Read More]


Summer School on Geomorphology (September 2015)

Summer School on Geomorphology (September 2015)

“Sediment Dynamics in high-mountain Environments” We’re happy to announce that our proposed Summer School on Geomorphology (SSOG) “Sediment dynamics in high-mountain environments” has been evaluated positively and will be funded by the Volkswagen Stiftung. The summer school will take place in the Kaunertal Valley, Austrian Alps, where we will combine a hands-on field learning app ...[Read More]

Energy, Resources and the Environment

Funding opportunity for Early Career Researchers to attend GSA Baltimore

The Heritage Stone Task Group in southern Europe is a Task Group within the IUGS. In March, HSTG  had a proposal accepted as Project 637 of the International Geoscience Programme (IGCP 637). With this acceptance, IGCP 637 offered $US6,000 in 2015 to support conference participation. HSTG has decided that this funding should be used in 2015 to support attendance to our session in the GSA Baltimore ...[Read More]

Energy, Resources and the Environment

Down by the River: Environmental Impact of Energy Generation Along the Colorado River

In our hunt for energy, we turn in many directions, especially those that will affect the environment to a lesser extent than the conventional fossil fuels. Though renewable energy is a sustainable form of energy production – it is after all infinite – it does not always mean that this form of energy production is without impact. In 1963 the Glen Canyon Dam was built across the Colorad ...[Read More]

Energy, Resources and the Environment

Words on Wednesday: Farmers’ perceptions of and adaptation strategies to climate change and their determinants: the case of Punjab province, Pakistan

Words on Wednesday aims at promoting interesting/fun/exciting publications on topics related to Energy, Resources and the Environment. If you would like to be featured on WoW, please send us a link of the paper, or your own post, at *** Abid, M., Scheffran, J., Schneider, U. A., and Ashfaq, M., 2015. Farmers’ perceptions of and adaptation strategies to climate change a ...[Read More]

Atmospheric Sciences

An unlikely choice between a gasoline or diesel car…

An unlikely choice between a gasoline or diesel car…

I have recently been confronted with the choice of buying a “new” car and this has proved to be a very tedious task with all the diversity of car that exists on the market today. However, one of my primary concerns was, of course, to find the least polluting car based on my usage (roughly 15000km/year). Cars (or I should say motor vehicles) pollution is one of the major sources of air pollution (p ...[Read More]

Energy, Resources and the Environment

How a geophysical extreme event dramatically changed fieldwork plans – a personal account of the Gorkha Earthquake

by Viktor Bruckmana and Klaus Katzensteinerb aCommission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna; bInstitute for Forest Ecology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna Options for Integrated Forest Management in the Gaurishankar Conservation Area is the title of one of our ongoing projects with collaborating partners from Nepal, Chin ...[Read More]


First International Conference of the Arabian Geosciences Union

The Arabian Geosciences Union announced the First International Conference of the Arabian Geosciences Union and general assembly to be held in Algiers, Algeria, February 17th and 18th, 2016. For full info is available on  Brochure: Information taken from: This initiat ...[Read More]

Energy, Resources and the Environment

Earth Sciences: ‘Rocks for Jocks’, or hard science?

According to some Republicans in the US, Earth Sciences cannot be regarded as one of the ‘pure sciences’, or hard science. Is Earth Sciences simply Rocks for Jocks, or do the earth sciences actually encompass some fundamental work here? Suggestions have been made that NASA should steer its focus away from Earth Sciences and more onto space exploration and research. If NASA complies, it ...[Read More]


Can cloud formations predict earthquakes?

UPDATE: 28th May 2015 A new paper on this subject has recently been published on Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. The scientists examine the 2012 M 6.0 earthquake in the Po Valley of northern Italy. From inspection of 4 years of satellite images they find numerous examples of linear-cloud formations over Italy. A simple test shows no obvious statistical relationship between the occurrenc ...[Read More]