EGU Blogs


Tectonics and Structural Geology

Introducing our Early Career Scientist Team

This week we would like to introduce the Early Career Scientist team of Tectonics and Structural Geology community. Behind the activities organized during EGU and the year-round contacts on social media there is not only 1 single person who is responsible, but a team of people. So here you can read a bit more about each individual and their favorite type of rock science, which simultaneously showc ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Sea Level “For Dummies”

Sea Level “For Dummies”

Looking out over the sea on a quiet day with no wind, the word “flat” would certainly pop up in your mind to describe the sea surface. However, this serene view of a flat sea surface is far from accurate at the global scale. The apparent simplicity behind the concept of sea level hides more complex science that we hope to explain in a simple manner in today’s “For Dummies” post, which will g ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

Features from the field: Soft Sediment Structures

Features from the field: Soft Sediment Structures

Today’s topic in Features of the Field is the well-known soft-sediment deformation; one of the most common phenomena which develop during, or shortly after deposition. The sediments; for this reason, need to be “liquid-like” or unsolidified for the deformation to occur. The most common places for soft-sediment deformations to form are deep water basins with turbidity currents, rivers, ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Image of the Week – The Polar Hole!

Image of the Week – The Polar Hole!

Have you ever stumbled upon a satellite picture showing observations of the Arctic or Antarctic? You often see a circle where there is no data around the exact location of the geographic pole – as you can see in our Image of the Week. A few days ago, I wanted to explain this to one of my friends and turned to my favourite search engine for help. My search turned up a tremendous amount of sto ...[Read More]


Where and why does the chain break? Women in geoscience and letters of recommendation for postdoctoral fellowships

Where and why does the chain break? Women in geoscience and letters of recommendation for postdoctoral fellowships

While women in geosciences are awarded 40% doctoral degrees, they hold less than 10% of full professorial positions. In looking for the cause of this disparity, the postdoctoral years have been identified as a crucial step, before and during which many women leave the Academia. A recent study by Dutt et al., published this month in Nature Geoscience, investigated biases in recommendation letters f ...[Read More]


ESURF – Special Issue on 4-D reconstruction of earth surface processes

Special Issue in “Earth Surface Dynamics” (interactive, open-access and public peer reviewed journal): 4-D reconstruction of earth surface processes: multi-temporal and multi-spatial high resolution topography. The special issue aims to demonstrate the advantages of High Resolution Topography (HiRT) to measure and understand earth surface processes at multiple temporal scales and varyi ...[Read More]

Planetary and Solar System Sciences

From Neptune to Planet Nine: finding planets with pen and paper

From Neptune to Planet Nine: finding planets with pen and paper

In 1781, William Herschel discovers a faint uncatalogued point in his telescope. He first thinks he has discovered a comet, but the orbit of the new object seems more of a planetary nature. This will be confirmed by subsequent observations: the planet Uranus has been discovered! Many years later, in the early nineteenth century, questions remain: the calculated orbit of Uranus does not match the o ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Image of the Week — FRISP 2016

Image of the Week — FRISP 2016

The Forum for Research into Ice Shelf Processes, aka FRISP, is an international meeting bringing together glaciologists and oceanographers. There are no parallel sessions; everyone attends everyone else’s talk and comment on their results, and the numerous breaks and long dinners encourage new and interdisciplinary collaborations. In fact, each year, a few presentations are the result of a previou ...[Read More]

Tectonics and Structural Geology

Solid Earth journal: the possibilities of open access publishing

Solid Earth journal: the possibilities of open access publishing

The third blog for TS is an invited guest blog by Fabrizio Storti, the chief executive editor of the EGU journal Solid Earth. Solid Earth publishes open access manuscripts on the composition, structure, and dynamics of the Earth from the surface to the deep interior. It is the journal for our community and we encourage everyone to see if they can contribute a manuscript and/or participate in the o ...[Read More]

Cryospheric Sciences

Image of The Week – Prize Polar Pictures!

Image of The Week –  Prize Polar Pictures!

Last week was the Fall APECS International Polar Week, designed to promote and celebrate the great collaborative science that goes on around the world to further our understanding of the polar regions. Part of this celebration was a figure competition, to find the most “eye-catching, informative and inspiring” figures that illustrate aspects of polar science. What better, we thought, t ...[Read More]