When we think about a volcanic eruption, one of the first things that come to our mind are lava fountains and flows with a characteristic bright orange and red colour. The colour of lavas can be associated with the temperature reached at the surface: dark red at low temperatures (475°C), orange at 900°C and white at extremely high temperature (>1150°C) (Kilburn, 2000). However, some places on E ...[Read More]
vEGU21: Thursday highlights
It’s Thursday, and vEGU Week 2 is almost gone. But we are here, again, to make things easier for you! So, suggestions for the day: let’s start at 11.45 CEST by knowing more about “Volcano-glacier interactions: Arctic, Antarctic, and globally”, session GMPV9.4 (does Eyjafjallajökull sound familiar?). Here, Lamb et al. will introduce us to icequakes on Chilean volcanoes with the vPICO “Discriminatin ...[Read More]
GMPV ECS online talks: Wednesday 20 January
The 7th edition of the Geochemistry, Minerology, Petrology and Volcanology division’s early career scientists talks will be on Wednesday 20 January 11am CET. This is our first special edition of 2021, with a focus on volcanic plumes, and their ash and gas emissions! We’ll have three speakers to allow for more discussion time. Our speakers are: Thomas Aubry (Postdoc @ University of Cambridge) – Cli ...[Read More]
#vEGU21 – Session in the Spotlight: Volcano Geomorphology and Society: From observations, monitoring, and modeling of tectonic and gravity driven processes to disaster risk reduction
The EGU Abstract Submission Deadline is almost here – only 6 weeks left!! Probably you are still looking for the right session, maybe one which combines onshore and subaqueous volcanic activity, geomorphology and the impact of the volcanic hazard on local communities. Well, the GM9.11/GMPV9/NH2 “Volcano Geomorphology and Society: From observations, monitoring, and modeling of tectonic ...[Read More]